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Se ha abierto el plazo de matrícula para el curso Improving English-Medium Instruction Skills at Level C1

Dirigido al profesorado que oferta, u ofertará, docencia en inglés

First publication date: 29/05/2018


Introduction: Who is the course for?

The course is designed to further the English-medium teaching skills of university lecturers who are at present teaching their subject in English.  The course is essentially practical and teachers are encouraged to relate the course sessions to their own teaching context and experience. 

Participants should have a C1 level of English.

Course Objectives:

Participants will have the opportunity to update their EMI skills through focussing on university communication contexts such as lectures, seminars and tutorials.

Expected learning outcomes

Participants will:

  • share their experience of teaching in English in order to explore the difficulties encountered and to discuss possible solutions.
  • analyse and review current teaching practices and advance their communication skills through micro-teaching sessions with peer review and  tutor feedback.
  • up-date their language skills  and improve their confidence and fluency in oral discourse through a variety of focused activities.
  • view tools and resources for further professional development.

Course duration:

The course consists of 5 x 5 hour sessions. (25 hours)

It will be offered in:

Bilbo: July 2nd – 6th, 2018.   9.00 – 14.00

Donostia: July 2nd – 6th, 2018.   9.00 – 14.00


Eleaniztasuna Zerbitzua / Servicio de Plurilingüismo /

T. +34 945 013437


Koordinazioaren eta Nazioarteko Harremanen arloko errektoreordetza / Vicerrectorado de Coordinación y Relaciones Internacionales

Arabako Campusa / Campus de Araba

Nazioarteko Harremanetarako Bulegoa / Oficina de Relaciones Internacionales

Edif. Vicerrectorado de Campus,  Comandante Izarduy 2