Ferro Vázquez Armando

Ferro Vázquez, Armando

Personal information

Ferro Vázquez, Armando

Address: Alda. de Urquijo s/n. C.P.: 48013. Bilbao
Office: 3A42
Email: armando.ferro@ehu.es
Telephone: +34 94 601 4209
Fax: +34 94 601 4259


Academic degrees

University degree

Career: Industrial Engineering
Intensification: Electronics
Center: University of The Basque Country
Date of achievement: 1986


Program Title: Tecnologías de la Información
DEA date of achievement: -
Thesis title: Propuestas de diseño de un sistema de detección de intrusión y definición de un modelo analítico para arquitecturas multiprocesador
Date of achievement: 2002


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Conference Papers

Integración de PF_RING en el sensor de análisis de tráfico Adviser

Daniel Fernández, Armando Ferro, Luis Zabala, Alberto Pineda
XXVII Simposium Nacional URSI. Elche, Spain.. September 12-14

<span lang="en">Adviser is a user-space software which allows to capture and analyze traffic in high speed networks. This paper describes the integration of PF_RING library, kernel module and optional drivers into Adviser platform, to enhance the packet capturing. Adviser packet capturing is made through standard Linux Libpcap library and offers good performance and flexibility. PF_RING increases the packet capturing adding a new kernel module which speeds up the packet copying from kernel space to user-space. Therefore this integration will improve Adviser's traffic monitoring performance, reducing the CPU consumption in packet capturing.</span>