Taboada Puente Ianire

Taboada Puente, Ianire

Personal information

Taboada Puente, Ianire

Address: Alda. de Urquijo s/n. C.P.: 48013. Bilbao
Office: Lab. NQaS
Telephone: +34 94 601 7361


Academic degrees

University degree

Career: Engineering in Telecommunications
Center: University of the Basque Country
Date of achievement: 2008


Programa title: TICRM
DEA date of achievement: 2010
Thesis title: QoE-aren optimizaziorako indize erregelen proposamenak sare baliabideen esleipenerako planifikazioan.
Date of achievement: 2013


Master title: Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicaciones en Redes Móviles
Center: Master interuniversitario - Universidad del País Vasco
Date of achievement: 2010

Conference Papers

Size-Based and Channel-Aware Scheduling Algorithm Proposal for Mean Delay Optimization in Wireless Networks

Ianire Taboada, Jose Oscar Fajardo, Fidel Liberal, Bego Blanco
IEEE ICC 2012 – Workshop on Smart Communication Protocols and Algorithms – Summer (ICC'12 WS - SCPA)

Ottawa, CANADA. June 10-15

This paper deals with the analysis of the impact of different scheduling algorithms on flow level mean delay performance of elastic traffic in a single cell wireless downlink data channel paradigm. An enhanced size-based and channelaware discipline is proposed, which is based on the sized-aware Gittins index approach applied to a time-varying channel context. In order to compare the proposed Opportunistic Gittins rule performance with well-known scheduling algorithms, several simulations have been performed for stochastically arriving flows with Pareto sizes under fading conditions, for different network loads and channel quality indicator reporting rates. As concluded, an approach that combines both flow size-awareness and channel awareness is the best option, which guarantees a trade–off between minimizing uplink overhead due to channel quality reports and improving scheduling performance aimed at reducing overall flow mean delay.

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