
Procesos Catalíticos y Valorización de Residuos

Grupo de Investigacion

El grupo PROCAT-VARES trabaja en la propuesta, progreso e innovación de procesos de interés energético y medioambiental. El objetivo es desarrollar, con un nivel puntero internacional, líneas de investigación en Ingeniería de la Reacción Química que sean de máxima actualidad y que estén enfocadas al desarrollo sostenible. El desarrollo de esta actividad supone la formación de investigadoras/es y tecnólogas/os, la transmisión de conocimientos a la comunidad científico -tecnológica internacional en forma de publicaciones y la colaboración con el sector industrial, en temas que conjugan el interés académico, tecnológico, social e industrial.

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  • Facebook y Linkedin: CPWV ehugroup
  • Twitter: @cpwv_ehugroup


Last March Arancha Saiz Valderrama attended the International Congress of Catalysis and Chemical Engineering in Rome (Italy), where she had the opportunity to present the poster - LTA membrane reactors for DME synthesis from CO2 and CO2/COx mixtures: membrane crystallization

We are glad to present one of our last publications, in Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis. This work, conducted in collaboration with researchers from LCP-A2MC at Université de Lorraine (France), sheds light on the significant role of the matrix in mitigating catalyst deactivation. Findings are crucial for advancing the valorization of bio-oil and developing robust catalysts for...

We are very proud to announce thar our Master student Asier Barredo Vinuesa, supervised by Eva Epelde has published part of his research work in the Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering. This work has been developed in collaboration between GAIKER and UPV/EHU, within catalytic processes and waste valorization context, aiming to contribute to the chemical recycling of...

Next week José Valecillos will be present at ICheaP 16 in Naples. He will deliver two oral communications about the dry/steam reforming of bio-oil in a conventional fluidized bed reactor or in a membrane reactor. See you there!

This week, our colleagues Ander Portillo and Onintze Parra are attending the Ikergazte Conference, an international conference to promote interdisciplinary research in Basque beyond our borders. There, Ander has been able to present a poster with his research on zeolites for the conversion of CO2 to olefins, and Onintze has had the opportunity to give a talk on the synthesis of methanol as an...

Last week Onintze Parra and Ander Portillo attended Aportando Valor al CO2 (Upgrading the CO2), a meeting where both the industrial and academic sectors were able to share their progress in the field of CO2 Capture, Storage and Use. They had the opportunity to present their advances in the valorization of CO2 into gasoline and in the modelling of the production of olefins from CO2.

Next May 22 at 11:30 in the Adela Moyua Room of the ZTF/FCT, Héctor Vicente will defend his Doctoral Thesis entitled "Methanol-to-hydrocarbon (MTH) processes over HZSM-5 zeolites: New kinetic modeling methodology using forced periodic operation and improvements in catalyst formulation", carried out under the supervision of Professors Ana Guadalupe Gayubo (UPV/EHU) and Pedro...

Next week Maider Bolaños, Xabier Sukunza, Mikel Tellabide, Gartzen López and Martin Olazar are flying to Edinburgh to attend the AlChE Fluidization XVII conference. We will present 4 contributions dealing with hydrodynamics, torrefaction, pyrolysis and gasification in fountain confined conical spouted beds

Last March, Dr. Sepideh Izaddoust presented the RhizoSheet project together with Daniel Patko at the Science is Wonderful! Fair. Organized by Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) it aims to bring scientific projects financed by the EU to the general public and especially to the youngest students

Next May 5 at 11:30 in the Adela Moyua Room of the ZTF/FCT, David Trueba will defend his Doctoral Thesis entitled "Fuel production by hydrocracking blends of non-olefinic plastics and vacuum gasoil", carried out under the supervision of Professors José María Arandes and Alazne Gutiérrez.