

International Conference

Awards sponsored by Companies - 2021/2022 Academic Year

Company Awards 2022 for the best EDP/EMP

ITELAZPI Award for the best EDP/EMP related toTelecommunications Engineering

The ITELAZPI Award for the best EDP/EMP in the field of Telecommunication Engineering has gone to Ane Sanz Rekalde (Master in Telecommunication Engineering), for her EMP entitled "DESIGN OF A SAFE AND EFFICIENT COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM BASED ON LoRaWAN FOR APPLICATIONS OF TELE-MEASUREMENT”, directed by professors from the Department of Communications Engineering Eduardo Jacob and Jasone Astorga.

Management Solutions Award for the best EDP/EMP related to Digital Transformation

The Management Solutions Award for the best EDP/EMP related to Digital Transformation went to Pablo Galán Saiz (MASTER'S DEGREE IN CONTROL, AUTOMATION AND ROBOTICS ENGINEERING), for his EMP entitled "Deep learning techniques for tumor classification in histological images", directed by Lecturer of the Department of Systems Engineering and Automation, Artzai Picón.