Información - La Escuela: Saludo del Director

Dean's greeting

Bilbao School of Engineering as we know it today is the result of the merger of 4 large Schools that made it possible to form in 2016 the largest Center of the UPV/EHU. Students, Administration and Services Personnel (ASP), as well as Teaching and Research Personnel (TRP) represent around 10% of the UPV/EHU total. Due to these numbers there is no doubt that an organization of the tasks to be executed to carry out the Management, Teaching and Research actions is essential. Thus, the human factor must be the focus to reach the level that we must mark as a reference School of Engineering at the local, national and international level.

The university community of our Faculty is made up of 4,700 students, more than 150 professionals from the ASP community and about 560 from the TRP, to which must be added 121 from the Research Staff.

We must provide the best of the School to our students, that is, continue to develop teaching based on the active methodologies of the EHEA that guarantee the acquisition of the specific and transversal skills of the degrees offered. The departments, through their research laboratories, will bring the latest technologies to the students to complement the development of the study programmes.

On this website you could find all the information related to the departments based at the School, the offer of the 11 Bachelor's degrees and the 18 Master's degrees. All this is taught in three buildings, two in Bilbao and one in Portugalete. The objectives must be aligned with the EHUagenda 2030 for Sustainable Development based on the 17 SDGs set by the UN.

Thus, there will be 3 reference axes to continue directing our School towards a prosperous, competitive future of quality and respect: Communication, Participation and Identity.

The quality policy of the School must maintain the seals that validate the efforts of the university community. Therefore, the following quality marks will identify us: The transition from the EKOSCAN Certificate to the new European EMAS environmental certification. ISO 9001:2015 certification in services associated with Companies and International Relations, IMaRest and EUR-ACE international certificates. The Quality Certificate in Bikain language management as a short-term objective. Obtaining recognition of internationalization in degrees that meet the requirements set by the UPV / EHU.

The relationship that the Faculty has with the local, national and international business and industrial sector is one of the pillars of our School, promoting the Business Classroom format.

Mobility is a fundamental axis in our School that will remain at a high level for all groups. Thus, academic exchanges in undergraduate and master's studies, short stays for TRP and ASP will be carried out with the renewal of the agreements with the new Dashboard tool that will follow the recommendations of the Erasmus + program to digitize all processes (EWP, Erasmus Without Paper). Active participation in the Enlight consortium of European universities will allow the materialization of some of the future international agreements.

I invite you to browse our website and discover "la Escuela".

Greeting from Bilbao !


Charles Pinto