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CEID Functions


The CEID has the following functions:

  • To support the work of the three assessment & monitoring committees, without hindering their independence.
  • To approve Standardised Working Procedures (PNT) for the three assessment & monitoring committees, without prejudice to the areas of authority reserved for bodies outside the University of the Basque Country. PNTs must include at least points concerned with the make-up of these committees (posts, functions, selection, format for publication of members' CVs, renewal, chair, dismissal & conflicts of interest), their working methods  (meetings, forms of assessing research activities & teaching practice), mechanisms for allegations & review procedures for the decisions made by the committees, training tasks, preparation of recommendations, monitoring forms & annual reports.
  • To detect any needs in its area of action at the University of the Basque Country  concerned with knowledge of and compliance with regulations on methodological, ethical and legal issues in research and teaching practice, and to propose suitable measures for meeting those needs to the relevant bodies.
  • To smooth relations with the the relevant authorities.
  • To coordinate actions with similar commissions or committees working on research ethics elsewhere.
  • To draw up annual reports setting out information assessing and summing up its activities.

Internal regulations

Additional information