The Basque language has existed on both sides of the Pyrenees since ancient times: its presence predates the Romance languages with which it coexists today. It is the only isolated language in Europe, as there is no known linguistic relationship with any other. Does it belong to a broader, lost linguistic family? How long has it been spoken in this region? These are questions that science has been unable to answer. The enigma of the Basque language is not only about its origin: we do not know in detail how and why it has survived through the ages.
The degree will give you the opportunity to learn about the Basque language in depth. You will receive training in linguistics and literature, and you will work on grammar, history, dialectology, textual tradition, sociolinguistics and didactics, among other subjects.
In addition, you will be able to choose between different specialisations: Basque Literature and Philology, Linguistics, Basque Linguistics, History of the Basque Country, European Literature and Culture, and Second Language (German, Classical Languages, Spanish, French, English and Russian). To complete your education, you can do voluntary external internships in companies and public bodies.
Knowledge areas
Arts and Humanities
4 courses
Number of credits
240 ECTS credits
Arabic, Basque, English, French, Galician, German, Italian, Modern Greek, Russian, Spanish
Study type
Face-to-face degree
Price per credit in first registration
13,42 €
Pass mark
9,192 in ordinary exam session (2024/25)
Places available
80 places

4 reasons to choose this degree
- Comprehensive syllabus, with subjects such as dialectology, grammar or literature.
- Specialisation in German, Classical Languages, Spanish, French, English and Russian.
- State-of-the-art laboratories (psycholinguistics, phonetics, etc.) at the Faculty of Arts and the Micaela Portilla research centre.
- Academic stays in national and international universities: UK, USA or Australia, etc.
Applicant profile
If you are interested in Basque culture and language, want to study all aspects of it in depth, you enjoy reading and have good oral and written communication skills, the Degree in Basque Studies is perfect for you.

Career opportunities
There are a number of fields in which you can be employed:
- Teaching (secondary and university education, academies and language learning centres)
- Linguistic and literary research
- Linguistic and literary planning and consultancy work
- Editing and proofreading; publishing
- Multimedia production, documentation and dissemination
- Technical consultancy and management in cultural services, linguistic and cultural intermediation.
- Creative writing and literary criticism
- Translation and interpreting