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Course outline

Acquired skills

These are the main competences for which this degree will qualify you:

  • Acquiring a critical understanding of the theory and history of art, including artistic events, there are social context and their iconography.
  • Applying the practical aspects of the discipline to new employment outlets such as the management, study and dissemination of historical and artistic heritage works, and education in matters concerned with cultural assets, their conservation and their restoration, emphasising critical reasoning and ethical commitment.
  • Determining intervention criteria and deciding what conservation and restoration treatments are most suitable in each case. Applying suitable methods, treatments and materials.
  • Developing abilities and skills concerned with participation, management and optimisation of team work, applying duly reasoned criteria in decision-making and the assessment of results.
  • Documenting cultural assets on the basis of a mastery of documentary and/or historical sources and a knowledge of conservation and restoration processes. Using the methods, terminology, materials and tools necessary for that purpose.
  • Identifying art as the result of a creative process linked to observation, the representation of ideas and artistic moments using different techniques in the fields of painting, sculpture, drawing, photography, audiovisuals and technological devices.
  • Identifying the material composition of cultural assets and the procedures and techniques used in preparing them; and to that end, choosing suitable instruments and methods of examination that enable scientific methods to be used to solve conservation and restoration problems.
  • Learning about and using art-related processes, procedures and materials in the fields of painting, sculpture, drawing, photography, audiovisuals and technological devices.
  • Preparing conservation/restoration projects that entail inter-disciplinary links with other professions concerned with cultural heritage.
  • Recognising and identifying damage to cultural assets and its causes so as to assess their conservation status and determine what type of treatment is required. Establishing suitable conditions for the preventive conservation of cultural assets during their exhibition, storage, transport and deposit.
  • Understanding and applying international and national conservation and restoration policies and legislation and regulations applicable to work in this area.