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Course outline

Acquired skills

These are the main competences for which this degree will qualify you:

  • To apply and skilfully use the ICTs available at any given moment for gathering and processing information related to the degree's syllabus.
  • To attend to, advise and represent clients both individually and collectively, negotiating in a due and proper manner within the different ambits of Industrial Relations.
  • To critically interpret the social, legal and economic reality of the professional world in the light of the data and knowledge acquired during the degree course.
  • To design, develop, monitor and assess in a due and proper manner the strategies and plans related to employment and the prevention of Occupational Risks.
  • To draft in accordance with the Law reports, contracts, lawsuits and appeals related to the different areas covered by the degree.
  • To formulate policies and lines of action in the field of Human Resources, according to the strategic positioning of the company or organisation.
  • To formulate, implement and effectively assess the local strategies for socioeconomic promotion and employment.
  • To handle in an interrelated manner the set of disciplines involved in Industrial Relations.
  • To identify, assume, channel and, as appropriate, resolve the conflicts arising from conflicting interests in the workplace, fostering ethics in interpersonal and work relations.
  • To incorporate a humanist and professional instruction that will help to deal with society's technical, social, employment and cultural changes though a process of continuous lifelong training.
  • To interpret socioeconomic indicators and data related to the job market, as well as apply the appropriate techniques for the development of research projects within the workplace.
  • To manage, guide and, as appropriate, collaborate as a team on matters related to the taxation and accounts of companies and other organisations, in an effective manner.
  • To manage, guide, assess and audit in a proper manner in the corporate-employment field companies, labour organisations, institutions and other social organisations.
  • To solve problems effectively, using the capabilities and skills acquired for identifying and assessing the possible alternatives.
  • To suitably communicate, express themselves and relate both orally and in writing in the technical language specific to the subject of the degree.