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Faculty of Social and Communication Sciences
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Iraide Fernández Aragón, PhD in sociology from the UPV / EHU with the thesis entitled Socio residential location patterns of the foreign immigrant population in Greater Bilbao (2018). He has a master's degree in Cooperation and Development (Hegoa-UPV / EHU) and is specialist in applied social research and data analysis by the Sociological Investigation Center (CIS).

She is currently a professor in the Department of Sociology and Social Work (UPV / EHU), researcher at IKUSPEGI (Basque Immigration Observatory) and secretary of the Basque Association of Sociology and Political Science. He has collaborated in various investigations at municipal, regional and European level, always linked to migrations and social inequalities. In this sense, it has several publications in these areas as well as participation in conferences and presentations.

Since September 2019, she is the director of the INGURUAK Journal, a scientific publication with a long history.

ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0669-7155

Research lines: urban sociology, segregation, cultural diversity, social inequalities, methodology.