
HAREA: Coastal Geology Research Group

Financing entity:
Basque Government

The specific objetives to be developed during this three-year period are the following: 1) to determine the characteristics, age and forcing factors of the different cumulative phases in the Cantabrian estuaries from 8500 yrs BP to present in order to establish a regional model of coastal evolution; 2) to study the sedimentary sequences related to archaeological sites located on the coastal-marine area; 3) to evaluate the environmental impact of recent industrial activities on the coastal ecosystems; 4) to analyze quantitatively the recent sea-level rise as a consequence of the current global climate change, to establish its possible impacts on the Basque costal fringe, and to propose possible adaptation measures; 5) to carry out the geological monitoring and assessment of environmental regeneration schemes promoted by public institutions and non governmental organizations on the costal area; 6) to design and implement the Geo-Q joint research centre between the University of the Basque Country and the Aranzadi Science Society for the development of scientific and academic activities related to the Quaternary Geology.