Invited speakers

Àngel Alsina

Professor of didactics of mathematics at the University of Girona (Spain). His lines of research are centred on the teaching and learning of mathematics at an early age and on the application of the realistic and reflective training model in the training of mathematics teachers. He has published several articles and books on both lines of research and has carried out many permanent training activities for teachers throughout Spain and Latin America. He is currently principal investigator, together with Dr. A. Mª Geli, of the Scientific and Environmental Education Research Group (GRECA), attached to the Educational Research Institute of the University of Girona and recognised by the Generalitat de Catalunya as a consolidated research group.
Title of the conference
Educational research university-school: exemplification from mathematical education
Workshop for junior researchers

José Mª Madariaga Orbea holds a PhD in Psychology and a degree in Physical Sciences. He has been a professor in the Department of Evolutionary Psychology and Education at the UPV/EHU for 37 years and Director of the Master in Psychodidactics. He has researched for more than 30 years in the field of Educational Psychology, focusing his research activity on the study of socio-personal aspects (motivation, attitudes, self-esteem) of multilingual and multicultural education and in the field of Resilience, from a systemic psychosocial perspective. She has about 140 publications in books and magazines, of which about 40 have an impact. He has directed 9 doctoral theses and is currently directing another one. He has participated in nearly 30 funded research projects, of which 5 as principal investigator and 7 high performance.
Title of the conference
How to publish an article in high-impact journals?