
Department of Chemical Engineering


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Blogs (Department of Chemical Engineering)

Aitor Arregiren Doktorego Tesia

Aitor Arregi ikasleak Martin Olazar eta Maider Amutio Irakasleen zuzendaritzapean landutako "Pyrolysis and in-line catalytic steam reforming of biomass and biomass/plastic mixtures for H2 production" Doktorego Tesia maiatzak 17an ZTF-FCTko Gradu Aretoan defendatuko du.

El próximo 17 de mayo en el Salón de Grados de la ZTF-FCT, Aitor Arregi defenderá la Tesis Doctoral titulada "Pyrolysis and in-line catalytic steam reforming of biomass and biomass/plastic mixtures for H2 production", realizada bajo la dirección de los Profesores Martin Olazar y Maider Amutio.