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ILCLI Open Seminar. From a logically-oriented philosophy of action to the philosophical foundations of organization theory

<p><em>Friday 28th of November, 2008, 12:00, </em></p><p><strong>Jesus M. Larrazabal (ILCLI)</strong><br><em>From a logically-oriented philosophy of action to the philosophical foundations of organization theory</em></p><p><strong>Venue:</strong> ILCLI Seminar Room</p>


It is well known that two main approaches have been taken into account when logically formalizing individual and collective action: dynamic logic, and multimodal logic for KBDI agency. While the former is especially useful for planning problems in 'macro' frames (programs, actions, and goals), the latter fits well to the explanation and design of practically bounded agency in terms of the complexity of the mental states involved in 'micro' or 'meso' frames. No doubt, the choice of one or other logic has relevant ontological consequences. Three questions are important from an epistemological viewpoint:

(i) what is an organized action?;

(ii) what is a situated action?;

(iii) how can we tackle the dynamics of actions in organizational settings. It seems clear that this theoretical inquiry can have relevant effects for the improvement of organizational practice.