Asset Publisher

About us


Amaia Inza Bartolomé  Dean of the Faculty of Labour Relations and Social Work of the UPV / EHU

Achieving a fairer distribution of wealth is something that many people and entities have been working on. This observatory aims to become a meeting space that, without involving a greater workload, allows us to get to know each other and share experiences, thereby contributing to that objective.

The Observatory is created on December 20, 2018, after being approved unanimously in the Board of the Faculty of Labour Relations and Social Work of the UPV / EHU, where it is based, and counts on the participation of Gezki (social economy) and Hegoa (cooperation and education for sustainable development) institutes, as well as the consolidated Parte Hartuz Research Group (participation) and other persons of the UPV / EHU. Likewise, it relies on an open network of public and private collaborating entities that will contribute to the investigations and the subsequent transfer to society.

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There will be an organizing committee chaired by the dean of the Faculty of Labour Relations and Social Work of the UPV / EHU or the person delegated by him, the vice-dean / coordinator of the section of the previous Faculty or the person delegated by him, a representative of the Gezki
Institute of the UPV / EHU, a representative of the Hegoa Institute of the UPV / EHU and a
representative of the Consolidated Research Group Parte Hartuz of the UPV / EHU.