Ferro Vázquez Armando

Ferro Vázquez, Armando

Personal information

Ferro Vázquez, Armando

Address: Alda. de Urquijo s/n. C.P.: 48013. Bilbao
Office: 3A42
Email: armando.ferro@ehu.es
Telephone: +34 94 601 4209
Fax: +34 94 601 4259


Academic degrees

University degree

Career: Industrial Engineering
Intensification: Electronics
Center: University of The Basque Country
Date of achievement: 1986


Program Title: Tecnologías de la Información
DEA date of achievement: -
Thesis title: Propuestas de diseño de un sistema de detección de intrusión y definición de un modelo analítico para arquitecturas multiprocesador
Date of achievement: 2002


— 5 Items per Page
Showing 1 - 5 of 8 results.

Conference Papers

Gestión de reglas para el análisis de tráfico basado en un lenguaje estructurado

Armando Ferro, Fidel Liberal, Igor Delgado
Publication medium:
XVIII Symposium Nacional de la URSI. A Coruña, Spain. September 10-12

<span lang="en">The communication is very important in our society. As the need of controling the information interchange increases, data capture system has been implemented. Analysing data can provide essential information like intrusion detection, quality of service statistics, accounting… These scopes are differents so a unified language facilitates to compose rules and to interchange them with other systems. XML (Extensible Markup Language) tags are defined to create a large number of differents and complex rules. Then it was developed a parser which load in memory these rules.</span>