
Biological Containment Laboratory Level 3 (NCB3)


The BCLL3 of the UPV / EHU meets all necessary requirements to operate as such, this is, it has the same property of containment but in a containment area the size of an oversized laboratory which in addition of the biological agents the researchers are . Therefore, in addition to containment barriers against dispersion thru air, the facility also has contention about effluent , clothing, and waste biological material, or biological samples that leave the facility for storage or use in other facilities.

It has equipment to work independently for up to 4 research groups:

Biosafety Cabinets Telstar BIO IIA-IIA and Faster BH-EN-2004-D

Double-door autoclave Matachana 501E SC-2 I

CO2 incubator Sanyo MCO-19AIC

Inverted microscopes Zeiss Axiocam Primovert with CKD 5s Camcorder

TC10 cell counters BioRad

Vacuum filtration systems IBS INTEGRA BIOSCIENCES VACUSAFE Comfort

Heraeus centrifuges Megafuge 16

Distilled and bidistilledwater dispensers Millipore Milli-Q Advantage system A10