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Virtual Summer Schools FH Münster

Fecha de primera publicación: 22/04/2021


Nuestro partner, la Universidad alemana de FH Münster, invita a los/las estudiantes de la GIE a dos cursos de verano virtuales. Los cursos serán en inglés (se requiere un B2) y se darán 3ECTS por cada uno. Aquí tenéis toda la información:

  • Cross-border Entrepreneurial Ecosystems: The summer school will take place from July 12th until 23rd, 2021 and is worth 3 ECTS. Information about the summer school and the application process can be found on our website. The Application deadline has been extended to May 4th, 2021.
  • Renewable Energy Systems: Due to COVID-19 we changed the format of this summer school to a virtual event. It will take place from August 29th until September 10th, 2021. The Registration period has been extended until May 30th, 2021. On our website you can find the updated information and programme. Professors of several engineering departments of FH Münster and Universidad de La Sabana, Colombia, will talk about the most important trends and topics concerning renewable energy systems.

Podéis encontrar más información en la página web: