Eduki publikatzailea

Tatyana Bandos (Marshenko)

Lan kontratudun bitarteko irakaslea (Ingeniaritza Energetikoa Saila. Bilboko Ingeniaritza Eskola)


Posta elektronikoa

Datu akademikoak

Ingeniaritza Elektronikoan Masterra, Valentziako Unibertsitatea (2004)

B. I. Verkin Institute for Low Temperature Physics & Engineering of Kharkov-en Fisika eta matematikan Doktorea, NASU (1995)

Kharkov-eko Unibertsitatean Fisikako Gradua, Jarkov (1981)

Lines of Work

Modeling of heat conduction from ground coupled heat exchangers (GCHE) to soil with groundwater flow; energetic efficiency in heating and cooling of buildings using geothermal heat pumps

Analysis of data from thermal response tests of soils

Modeling of geothermal systems of different geometries: from flat thermoactive panels to energy piles