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Mundo Micro 50. Inmunidad cruzada, propagadores asintomáticos: cuestiones sobre la COVID 19

En esta nueva entrega de Mundo Micro en La Mecánica del Caracol (@mecanicacaracol) hablamos (@animalmecanico) sobre inmunidad cruzada, propagadores asintomáticos y otras cuestiones sobre la COVID 19. Podéis escuchar el programa en este enlace.

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Synthesis, Physical, Mechanical and Antibacterial Properties of Nanocomposites Based on Poly(vinyl alcohol)/Graphene Oxide–Silver Nanoparticles

En nuestra última publicación en la revista Polymers hemos estudiado nuevos materiales antimicrobianos basados en la plata y el grafeno. Este estudio de las propiedades de nuevos materiales lo hemos desarrollado en la Facultad de Química y la Facultad de Medicina y Enfermería de la Universidad del País Vasco (UPV/EHU)Mónica Cobos, Iker De-La-Pinta, María Jesús Fernández, María Dolores Fernández y Guillermo Quindós.

Este es el resumen:

The design of new materials with antimicrobial properties has emerged in response to the need for preventing and controlling the growth of pathogenic microorganisms without the use of antibiotics. In this study, partially reduced graphene oxide decorated with silver nanoparticles (GO–AgNPs) was incorporated as a reinforcing filler with antibacterial properties to poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) for preparation of poly(vinyl alcohol)/graphene oxide-silver nanoparticles nanocomposites (PVA/GO–AgNPs). AgNPs, spherical in shape and with an average size of 3.1 nm, were uniformly anchored on the partially reduced GO surface. PVA/GO–AgNPs nanocomposites showed exfoliated structures with improved thermal stability, tensile properties and water resistance compared to neat PVA. The glass transition and crystallization temperatures of the polymer matrix increased with the incorporation of the hybrid. The nanocomposites displayed antibacterial activity against Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli in a filler content- and time-dependent manner. S. aureus showed higher susceptibility to PVA/GO–AgNPs films than E. coli. Inhibitory activity was higher when bacterial cells were in contact with nanocomposite films than when in contact with leachates coming out of the films. GO–AgNPs based PVA nanocomposites could find application as wound dressings for wound healing and infection prevention.

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