Vice-Rector of Scientific and Social Development and Transfer

Vice-Rector of Scientific and Social Development and Transfer


Guillermo Quindós Andrés (Curriculum vitae)

Contact data

Secretary: Ana Rosa Ruiz-Nogués

Location: Rectorate Building

Postal address:
Sarriena, s/n
48940 Leioa (Bizkaia)

Areas of authority

Scientific & Social Development

  • Coordination of actions aimed at the deployment of the Campus of International Excellence and the Cross-border Euro-regional Campus.
  • Policy for the structuring of the EHU Group (ehuTALDEA.)
  • Public-private cooperation, creation & assessment of institutional chairs, mixed units and university-society and university-business learning centres; creating and fostering business-university initiatives and public/private partnerships.
  • Representation of the university at institutions on whose governing bodies the UPV/EHU sits (basically the Basque Science, Technology & Innovation Network (RVCTI)), without prejudice to specific cases in which this task falls to other vice-rectorates.
  • Coordination of actions aimed at the deployment of the UPV/EHU Science Park (UPV/EHUko Zientzia Parkea).
  • Signing agreements and covenants on matters in his area of authority with public and private sector organisations to foster research, knowledge transfer and innovation in coordination with the Vice-Rectorate for Research.
  • Coordination of statistical information, studies, monitoring and prospecting in regard to the international position of the UPV/EHU (rankings).
  • Driving and planning lines of action in the field of sustainability and commitment to society.
  • Development of the Sustainable Campus (Campus Bizia Lab).
  • Coordination of cooperation efforts with developing countries.

Knowledge transfer

  • Representation of the university and working with public and private sector organisations to foster research, knowledge transfer and innovation without prejudice to specific cases in which this task falls to other vice-rectorates.
  • Transfer, promotion and marketing of knowledge generated by research, with the authority to sign such contracts as may be necessary.
  • Supervision & signing of contracts as per Article 97 of the Statutes when appropriate.
  • Office for the Transfer of Research Results (OTRI) & partly-owned transfer organisations.
  • Authorisation & requesting the registration of intellectual and industrial property rights derived from research.
  • Design, coordination & development of entrepreneurial activities, business initiatives and the creation of companies from the university.
  • Sponsorship and patronage.
  • Disclosing & disseminating research and knowledge.
  • Development of a dynamic map of experience & knowledge of research groups.
  • Organisation & staging Science Week (Zientzia Astea) and similar activities, such as European Researchers' Night.
  • Advising members of the Communications Office on matters within his area of authority.