
Academic programmes catalogue at the University of the Basque Country

University courses for seniors

Inspired by our purpose to promote education throughout all ages of life, the University of the Basque Country created, 10 years ago, specific university programmes for seniors who had been unable to attend a higher education institution in their early days. Our Degree in Human Sciences aims to spread culture and knowledge and pay tribute to the generations whom we owe today´s economic and social welfare. During these 4-year studies, pupils are lectured in World History, Literature, Philosophy, Art, Nutrition & Diet, Health, Music, Law, Computers or Psychology. Most of our senior students first enrolled at the university for academic reasons; however, it was the human factor that encouraged them to stay connected to our institution. After their graduation, most trainees apply for our University Courses for Seniors, organise cultural and social events and attend a number of our official courses, thus mingling with our younger students.