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Graduate (2000) and doctor (2011) in Fine Arts from the UPV / EHU, where she has been a professor since 2018. She took the Diploma of Specialization in Contemporary Basque Art from the UD (2001).

He has co-directed a doctoral thesis and co-directs another currently. He has made a research stay at the CIPEI of the FAC, at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (2014). He has been a resident artist at BilbaoArte (2010) and at the Kunsthaus de Bregenz in Austria (2010). He has received support for the artistic creation of the Provincial Council of Vizcaya, the Basque Government, the Etxepare Institute and the BBK Foundation and BilbaoArte.

She is the author of five scientific articles, several articles in artistic catalogs, a book chapter and two books. He has presented papers at two congress. He has made numerous national and international group exhibitions, and eight individual exhibitions.

Starting from an approach to the understanding of visual function from art, his lines of research are currently focused on a study of memory as a specific domain that arises from the specific problem posed by visual awareness.

He regularly teaches the subjects of Laboratory (Degree in Art, Creation and Design, and Restoration and Conservation of Cultural Goods) and Projects I (Degree in Creation and Design), has taught Processes and Methodologies of Creation and Innovation (Degree in Creation and Design) , and will teach Drawing III (Degree in Art).