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Economic History and Institutions
Faculty of Economics and Business
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Degree in Economics (1997) and Doctor in Geography and History (2013) by the University of the Basque Country. His research focuses mainly on the history of the gunmaking industry in the Basque Country during the twentieth century which is the central topic of his doctoral thesis. He has been member of several research projects and also collaborated in the creation of the Museum of the Gunmaking Industry of Eibar.

He has been teaching at the Faculty of Economics and Business (Sarriko) in the Department of History and Economic Institutions from 2000 to the present.

Main publications:2018, Brands in the Basque gunmaking industry: The case of ASTRA-Unceta y Cía., Business History, vol. 60, issue 8.

2010, Eibar y la industria armera: evidencias de un distrito industrial, Investigaciones de Historia Económica, 16

2009, Astra-Unceta y Cía., una empresa armera ante el mercado internacional, Revista de Historia Industrial, 40

2009, La internacionalización de la industria armera vasca, 1876-1970. El distrito industrial de Eibar y sus empresas, Información Comercial Española Revista de Economía, 849

2007, Evolución de la Industria Armera Vasca (1876-1969). Un enfoque a largo plazo, Del metal al motor. El desarrollo de las industrias de transformados metálicos, maquinaria y equipo de transporte en España (siglos XIX y XX), Pere Pascual Domenech eta Paloma Fernandez Perez (eds.), BBVA, Bilbao.