Health Impact Assessment of the measures adopted to control and manage the COVID-19 pandemic in the New Aquitaine, Euskadi and Navarra Euroregion

Health Impact Assessment of the measures adopted to control and manage the COVID-19 pandemic in the New Aquitaine, Euskadi and Navarra Euroregion


The COVID-19 pandemic has led to the adoption of measures of unprecedented social and economic significance that have had a very significant impact on the quality of life of the population and have increased the magnitude of social inequalities in health. The objective of the project is to assess the health impacts of the pandemic management measures in the New Aquitaine, Euskadi and Navarra Euroregion, in order to issue recommendations aimed at improving the impact on the quality of life and equity of populations from COVID-19 crisis management measures or new emerging crises.

To this end, different studies have been developed, ranging from the review of the health impacts and health inequalities of the COVID-19 control measures at the international level, to a more focused approach on the impacts produced by the reorganization of healthcare. Thus, the project is divided into two sub-studies:


1. Health Impact Assessment (HIA) of the measures adopted to manage the COVID-19 pandemic

A retrospective and concurrent HIA of the control and management measures adopted in response to COVID-19 has been carried out with the aim of exploring the effects, direct and indirect, of said measures on health and health equity and formulating recommendations .

The publications made so far are:


2. Analysis of the impact of the health care reorganization measures on access to health services and on the health and social inequalities in health of the population

This sub-study has aimed to discover the impact on two types of health services, Primary Care in the Basque Country, as well as perinatal care in both the New Aquitaine region and the Basque Country. To this end, qualitative work has been carried out with both health professionals and users of both primary care and pregnant women.

The publications made so far are:


The project has been funded by the Euskampus Foundation within the Euskampus Resilience COVID 19 call