Catedra UNESCO sobre Desarrollo Sostenible y Educación Ambiental de la UPV/EHU

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UNESCO Chair on Sustainable Developmentlogo_bizkaia and Environmental Education of the University of the Basque Country, with the support of the Environment Department of the Regional Government of Bizkaia, is conducting the research project «Millenium Ecosystem Assessment in Biscay».

The purpose of this project is to develop in Bizkaia the conceptual and methodological framework of the International Scientific Programme UN Millenium Ecosystem Assessment with the aim of generating scientific knowledge about the consequences of changes in ecosystems due to the impact of current policies that can be applied in the public and private sectors; and to present possible response options. Special attention to the concept of natural capital, to the estimation of the ecosystem services and how they are affected by human activities is provided. It also aims to establish as far as possible, the critical natural capital in Bizkaia, defined as the essential and irreplaceable in the short-medium term natural resources.

In the Project the Autonomous University of Madrid takes part through the Socio-ecosystems Laboratory of the Interuniversity Ecology Department, assisting the research group in applying the methodology that this project seeks to implement in Bizkaia. UNESCO Etxea – UNESCO Basque Country Centre takes part as well in the project in matters related to communication and internationalisation.

The results obtained in the project are included in the book «Nature and human well-being in Biscay».



Cátedra UNESCO sobre Desarrollo Sostenible y Educación Ambiental