
COMPMECH is a research group belonging to the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the Faculty of Engineering in Bilbao, University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU). COMPMECH group was created by some of its members who decided to work together in the field of Mechanisms and Machines Theory, Robotics and Computational Mechanics.

Nowadays, our research focuses mainly on the design and analysis of parallel manipulators, which constitute a special type of robots characterized by their parallel architecture. Given the properties offered by these robots, they are used in aeronautical applications, machine tool, haptic devices in telesurgery, assembly lines automation, orientation of solar panels, etc.

The research activities of the group are financed by institutional projects and contracts with companies. In fact, one of the main targets of the group is to keep in continuous relation with several companies. Collaborating with Industry enables many important projects to be developed. Normally, these projects end up with design of a prototype of some specific elements or mechanical systems.

Finally, numerous engineering projects have been accomplished by students collaborating with the members of the group, as well as several doctoral thesis developed in our research field.

