
Papers in International Journals in the JOURNAL CITATION REPORT


Authors: A. Hernández, A. Muñoyerro, M. Urízar, E. Amezua
Title: Hybrid Optimization Based Mathematical Procedure for Dimensional Synthesis of Slider-Crank Linkage
Journal: Mathematics, Vol. 9 (13), 1581, 2021
DOI: 10.3390/math9131581

Authors: A. Hernández, A. Muñoyerro, M. Urízar, E. Amezua
Title: Comprehensive approach for the dimensional synthesis of a four-bar linkage based on path assessment and reformulating the error function
Journal: Mechanism and Machine Theory, Vol. 156, 104126, 2021
DOI: j.mechmachtheory.2020.104126

Authors: D. Diaz-Caneja, F.J. Campa, O. Altuzarra
Title: Design and Modeling of a Parallel Continuum Manipulator for Trunk Motion Rehabilitation
Journal: Journal of Medical Devices-Transactions of the ASME, Vol. 15 (1), 011109, 2021
DOI: 10.1115/1.4049551

Authors: E. Macho, M. Urízar, V. Petuya and A. Hernández
Title: Improving Skills in Mechanism and Machine Science Using GIM Software
Journal: Applied Sciences, Vol. 11 (17), 7850, 2021
DOI: 10.3390/app11177850

Authors: I. Touzon, V. Nava, Z. Gao, V. Petuya
Frequency domain modelling of a coupled system of floating structure and mooring Lines: An application to a wave energy converter
Journal: Ocean Engineering, Vol. 220, 108498, 2021
DOI: j.oceaneng.2020.108498

Authors: J.L. Pulloquinga, R.J. Escarabajal, J.Ferrándiz, M. Vallés, V. Mata, and M. Urízar
Title: Vision-Based Hybrid Controller to Release a 4-DOF Parallel Robot from a Type II Singularity
Journal: Sensors, Vol. 21 (12), 4080, 2021
DOI: 10.3390/s21124080

Authors: M. Ceccarelli, M. Riabtsev, A. Fort, M. Russo, M.A. Laribi, M. Urízar
Title: Design and Experimental Characterization of L-CADEL v2, an Assistive Device for Elbow Motion
Journal: Sensors, Vol. 21 (12), 5149, 2021
DOI: 10.3390/s21155149

Authors: O. Altuzarra, D.M. Solanillas, E. Amezua, V. Petuya
Title: Path Analysis for Hybrid Rigid–Flexible Mechanisms
Journal: Mathematics, Vol. 9 (16), 1869, 2021
DOI: 10.3390/math9161869

Authors: S. Herrero, C. Pinto, M. Diez, A. Zubizarreta
Title: Optimization of the 2PRU-1PRS Parallel Manipulator Based on Workspace and Power Consumption Criteria
Journal: Applied Sciences, Vol. 11 (17), 7770, 2021
DOI: 10.3390/app11177770

Authors: M. Riabtsev, V. Petuya, M. Urízar, E. Macho
Title: Design and analysis of an active 2-DOF lockable joint
Journal: Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines. An International Journal, 2020
DOI: 10.1080/15397734.2020.1784203

Authors: I. Touzon, V. Nava, B. de Miguel, V. Petuya
Title: A Comparison of Numerical Approaches for the Design of Mooring Systems for Wave Energy Converters
Journal: Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, Vol. 8 (7), 523, 2020
DOI: 10.3390/jmse8070523

Authors: I. Touzon, V. Nava,V, Z.Gao, I. Mendikoa, V. Petuya
Title: Small scale experimental validation of a numerical model of the HarshLab2.0 floating platform coupled with a non-linear lumped mass catenary mooring system
Journal: Ocean Engineering, Vol. 200, 1736, 2020
DOI: 10.1016/j.oceaneng.2020.107036

Authors: J.I. Ibarreche, A. Hernández, V. Petuya, M. Urízar
Title: A methodology to achieve the set of operation modes of reconfigurable parallel manipulators
Journal: Meccanica, Vol. 54, pp. 2507-2520, 2019
DOI: 10.1007/s11012-019-01081-5

Authors: I. Ansoategui, F.J. Campa
Title: Mechatronic model based overshoot prediction and reduction in servodrives with compliant load
Journal: Mechanism and Machine Theory, Vol. 137, pp. 227-236, 2019
DOI: 10.1016/j.mechmachtheory.2019.01.034

Authors: O. Altuzarra, D. Caballero, F.J. Campa, C. Pinto
Title: Position analisis in planar parallel continuum mechanisms
Journal: Mechanism and Machine Theory, Vol. 132, pp. 13-29, 2019
DOI: 10.1016/j.mechmachtheory.2018.10.014

Authors: E. Macho, A. Hernandez, M. Urizar, V. Petuya
Title: Designing a translational parallel manipulator based on the 3SS kinematic joint
Journal: Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, Vol. 11 (5), pp 051007-1 (13 pages), 2019
DOI: 10.1115/1.4043921

Authors: M. Diez, V. Petuya, A. Hernández, M. Urízar
Title: Estudio de las proteínas desde una perspectiva biocinemática: estado del arte
Journal: DYNA Ingeniería e Industria, Vol. 94 (5), pp. 568-573, 2019
DOI: 10.6036/9033

Authors: S. Herrero, C. Pinto, M. Diez, J. Corral
Title: Analytical Procedure Based on the Matrix Structural Method for the Analysis of the Stiffness of the 2PRU–1PRS Parallel Manipulator
Journal: Robotica, Vol 37 (8), pp 1401-1414,  2019
DOI: 10.1017/S026357471900002X

Authors: A. Hernández, O. Altuzarra, V. Petuya, C. Pinto, E. Amezua.
Title: A robot for non-destructive testing weld inspection of offshore mooring chains
Journal: International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, Vol. 15, 2018.
DOI: 10.1177/1729881418770532

Authors: S. Herrero, C. Pinto, O. Altuzarra, M. Diez
Title: Analysis of the 2PRU-1PRS 3DOF parallel manipulator: kinematics, singularities and dynamics
Journal: Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing. Vol. 51, pp. 63-72, 2018
DOI: 10.1016/j.rcim.2017.11.018

Authors: M. Russo, S. Herrero, O. Altuzarra, M. Ceccarelli
Title: Kinematic analysis and multi-objective optimization of a 3-UPR parallel mechanism for a robotic leg
Journal: Mechanism and Machine Theory, Vol. 120, February 2018,pp. 192-202, 2018
DOI: 10.1016/j.mechmachtheory.2017.10.004

Authors: A. Hernández, E. Macho, M. Urízar, V. Petuya, Z. Zhang
Title: Pa2 Kinematic Bond in Translational Parallel Manipulators
Journal: Mechanical Sciences, Vol. 9, pp. 25-39, 2018
DOI: 10.5194/ms-9-25-2018

Authors: C. Roldán-Paraponiaris, F.J. Campa, J. Paris, T. Kölling, O. Altuzarra, B. Corves
Title: Application of the principle of energy equivalence to obtain suitable models of parallel planar mechanisms for identification including friction parameters. A case study: 5 R RePlaLink haptic mechanism
Journal: Mechatronics 56, pp. 87-100, 2018
DOI: 10.1016/j.mechatronics.2018.10.011

Authors: E. Artetxe, D. Olvera, L.N López de Lacalle, F.J. Campa, D. Olvera, A. Lamikiz
Title: Solid subtraction model for the surface topography prediction in flank milling of thin-walled integral blade rotors (IBRs)
Journal: International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technologies, Vol. 90, pp. 741-752, 2017
DOI: 10.1007/s00170-016-9435-1

Authors: P. Bengoa, A. Zubizarreta, I. Cabanes, A. Mancisidor, C. Pinto, S. Mata
Title: Virtual Sensor for Kinematics Estimation of Flexible Links in Parallel Robots
Journal: Sensors, Vol. 17(9), 1934, 22 pages, 2017
DOI: 10.3390/s17091934

Authors: I. Ansoategui, F.J. Campa
Title: Mechatronics of a ball screw drive using an N degrees of freedom dynamic model
Journal: International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 93 (1-4), pp.1307-1318, 2017
DOI: 10.1007/s00170-017-0597-2

Authors: S. Mata, I. Cabanes, A. Zubizarreta, C. Pinto
Title: Linear Time Varying model based Model Predictive Control for lateral path tracking
Journal: International Journal of Vehicle Design, Vol 75 (1-4), 22 pages, 2017
DOI: 10.1504/IJVD.2017.090900

Authors: J.I. Ibarreche, A. Hernández, V. Petuya, M. Urízar, E. Macho
Title: Multioperation capacity of parallel manipulators basing on generic kinematic chain approach
Journal: Mechanism and Machine Theory, Vol. 116, pp. 234-247, 2017
DOI: 10.1016/j.mechmachtheory.2017.05.023

Authors: J. Viaña, V. Petuya
Title: A Proposal for a Formula of Absolute Pole velocities between Relative Poles
Journal: Mechanism and Machine Theory, Vol. 114,  pp. 74-84, 2017
DOI: 10.1016/j.mechmachtheory.2017.03.016

Authors: M. Loizaga, O. Altuzarra, C. Pinto, V. Petuya.
Title: Control Distribution of Partially Decoupled Multi-level Manipulators with 5 DOFs.
Journal: Robotica, Vol. 35 (2), pp. 337-353, 2017
DOI: 10.1017/S0263574715000533

Authors: I. Ansoategui, F.J. Campa, C. López, M. Díez
Title: Influence of the machine tool compliance on the dynamic performance of the servo drives  
Journal: International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 90 (9–12), pp. 2849–2861, 2017
DOI: 10.1007/s00170-016-9616-y

Authors: C. Roldán-Paraponiaris, F. J. Campa, O. Altuzarra
Title: Mechatronic modeling of a parallel kinematics multi-axial simulation table based on decoupling the actuators and manipulator dynamics  
Journal: Mechatronics, Vol. 47, pp. 208-222 , 2017
DOI: 10.1016/j.mechatronics.2016.10.017

Authors: A. Ruiz, F. J. Campa, C. Roldán-Paraponiaris, O. Altuzarra, C. Pinto
Title: Experimental validation of the kinematic design of 3-PRS compliant parallel mechanisms
Journal: Mechatronics, Vol. 39, pp. 77-88, 2016
DOI: j.mechatronics.2016.08.006

Authors: J.corral, C. Pinto, F.J. Campa, O. Altuzarra
Title: Dynamic behavior verification of a lightweight machine for routing
Journal: The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 86 (5), pp. 1151-1163 , 2016
DOI: 10.1007/s00170-015-8206-8

Authors: G. Urbikain, F.J. Campa, J.J. Zulaika, L.N. López De Lacalle, M.A. Alonso, V. Collado
Title: Preventing chatter vibrations in heavy-duty turning operations in large horizontal lathes
Journal: Journal of Sound and Vibration,  Vol. 340, pp. 317-330, 2015

Authors: M. Urízar, V. Petuya, O. Altuzarra, M. Diez, A. Hernández
Title: Non-singular transitions based design methodology for parallel manipulators
Journal: Mechanism and Machine Theory, Vol. 91, pp. 168–186, 2015

Authors: A. Hernández, M. Urízar, V. Petuya, E. Amezua, M. Diez
Title: Estado de la técnica de los manipuladores paralelos. Aplicaciones prácticas y criterios cinemáticos de diseño
Journal: DYNA Ingeniería e Industria, Vol. 90 (2), pp. 145-151, 2015

Authors: S. Herrero, T. Mannheim, I. Prause, Ch. Pinto, B. Corves, O. Altuzarra
Title: Enhancing the Useful Workspace of a Reconfigurable Parallel Manipulator by Grasp Point Optimization
Journal: Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Vol 31, pp. 51-60, 2015

Authors: Calleja, A., Tabernero, I., Ealo, J.A., Campa, F.J., Lamikiz, A., López de Lacalle, L.N.
Title: Feed rate calculation algorithm for the homogeneous material deposition of blisk blades by 5-axis laser cladding
Journal: International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 74 (9-12), pp. 1219-1228, 2014

Authors: Alfonso Hernández; J.I Ibarreche; Víctor Petuya; Óscar Altuzarra
Title: Structural Synthesis of 3-DoF Spatial Fully Parallel Manipulators
Journal: International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, Vol. 11
(8 pages), 2014

Authors: O. Altuzarra, E. Macho, J. Aginaga, V. Petuya
Title: Design of a solar tracking parallel mechanism with low energy consumption
Journal: Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, Vol 229, No 3, pp 566-579, 2015 (
Published online May 26, 2014)

Authors: M. Urízar, V. Petuya, E. Amezua and A. Hernández
Title: Characterizing the Configuration Space of the 3-SPS-S Spatial Orientation Parallel Manipulator
Journal: Meccanica, Vol. 49 (5), pp. 1101–1114, 2014

Authors: Mikel Diez, Víctor Petuya, Luis Alfonso Martínez-Cruz, Alfonso Hernández
Title: Insights into mechanism kinematics for protein motion simulation
Journal: BMC BIOINFORMATICS 15:184, 2014

Authors: Mikel Diez, Víctor Petuya, Enrique Amezua, Alfonso Hernández
Title: Protein motion simulation algorithm for dihedral angle rotation implementing variable speed
Journal: Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines: An International Journal 42, 268–277, 2014

Authors: Díaz-Tena, E., Ugalde, U., López De Lacalle, L.N., De La Iglesia, A., Calleja, A., Campa, F.J
Title: Propagation of assembly errors in multitasking machines by the homogenous matrix method
Journal: International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 68 (1-4), pp. 149-164, 2013

Authors: Mikel Diez, Víctor Petuya, Luis Alfonso Martínez-Cruz, Alfonso Hernández
Title: Biokinematic protein simulation by an adaptive dihedral angle approach
Journal: Mechanism and Machine Theory 69, 105–114, 2013

Authors: J. Aginaga, O. Altuzarra, E. Macho, X. Iriarte
Title: Assessing Position Error Due to Clearances and Deformations of Links in Parallel Manipulators
Journal: Journal of Mechanical Design, Vol. 135, 041006-1 (8 pages), 2013

Authors: J. Corral, Ch. Pinto, O. Altuzarra, A. Zubizarreta
Title: Characterisation of parallel kinematic machines based on structural workspaces
Journal: Mechanics & Industry, Vol 14, No 1, pp 43-51, 2013

Authors: A. Zubizarreta; I. Cabanes; M. Marcos; Ch. Pinto
Title: A redundant dynamic model of parallel robots for model-based control
Journal: Robotica 31, 203-216, 2013

Authors: Altuzarra, O.; Salgado, O.; Pinto, Ch.; Hernández, A
Title: Analytical determination of the principal screws for general screw systems
Journal: Mechanism and Machine Theory. Vol. 60, pp. 28-46, 2013

Authors: J. Corral, Ch. Pinto, F. J. Campa and O. Altuzarra
Title: Surface location error of a parallel robot for routing processes
Journal: The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol 67 No 9, pp 1977-1986, 2013

Authors: A. Zubizarreta; E. Portillo; I. Cabanes; D. Orive; M. Marcos; Ch. Pinto
Title: Real-time environment design for testing advanced control approaches in parallel robots. Application to the 5R parallel robot prototype
Journal: The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol 67, pp 1459-1475, 2013

Authors: Macho, E.; Petuya, V.; Altuzarra, O.; Hernández, A.
Title: Planning non-singular transitions between solutions of the direct kinematic problem from the joint space
Journal: ASME Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, Vol. 4, No 4, pp. 041005 (9 pages), 2012

Authors: Aginaga, J., Zabalza, I., Altuzarra, O. and Nájera, J.
Title: Improving static stiffness of the 6-RUS parallel manipulator using inverse singularities
Journal: Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing 28 (4), 458–471, 2012

Authors: M. Urízar and M. L. Husty
Title: Assembly Mode Change of Spherical 3-RPR Parallel Manipulator
Journal: Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines: An International Journal, Vol. 40, No. 4, pp. 487-505, 2012

 Authors: E. Macho, O. Altuzarra, Ch. Pinto, A. Hernández
Title: Enlarging operational workspaces in parallel manipulators by connecting working modes. Application to the 3RSS robot
Journal: Robotica, Vol 31, No 4, pp. 539-548, 2013

Authors: M. Urízar, V. Petuya, O. Altuzarra, A. Hernández
Title: Assembly Mode Changing in the Cuspidal Analytic 3-R
Journal: IEEE Transaction on Robotics 28, No 2, 506-513, 2012

Authors: Alfonso Hernández, Oscar Altuzarra, Oscar Salgado, Charles Pinto, Victor Petuya
Title: Designing Parallel Manipulators: from Specifications to a Real Prototype
Journal: Industrial Robot:
An International Journal 39/5,  500-512, 2012

Authors: Compeán, F.I., Olvera, D., Campa, F.J., López De Lacalle, L.N., Elías-Zúñiga, A., Rodríguez, C.A.
Title: Characterization and stability analysis of a multivariable milling tool by the enhanced multistage homotopy perturbation method
Journal: International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 57, pp. 27-33, 2012

Authors: Olvera, D., López De Lacalle, L.N., Compeán, F.I., Fz-Valdivielso, A., Lamikiz, A., Campa, F.J.
Title: Analysis of the tool tip radial stiffness of turn-milling centers
Journal: International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 60 (9-12), pp. 883-891, 2012

Authors: Urbikain, G., López De Lacalle, L.N., Campa, F.J., Fernández, A., Elías, A.
Title: Stability prediction in straight turning of a flexible workpiece by collocation method
Journal: International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 54-55, pp. 73-81, 2012

Authors: Quintana, G., Campa, F.J., Ciurana, J., De Lacalle, L.N.L.
Title: Productivity improvement through chatter-free milling in workshops
Journal: Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 225 (7), pp. 1163-1174, 2011

Authors: Zulaika, J.J., Campa, F.J., Lopez De Lacalle, L.N.
Title: An integrated process-machine approach for designing productive and lightweight milling machines
Journal: International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 51 (7-8), pp. 591-604, 2011

Authors: A. Zubizarreta; I. Cabanes; M. Marcos; Ch. Pinto.
Title: A procedure to evaluate extended
Computed Torque Control configurations in the Stewart-Gough platform
Journal: Robotics and Autonomous Systems 59, pp. 770-781
, 2011

Authors: Campa, F.J., López de Lacalle, L.N., Celaya, A.
Title: Chatter avoidance in the milling of thin floors with bull-nose end mills: Model and stability diagrams
Journal: International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture, Vol. 51, No 1, pp. 43-53, 2011

Authors: Mikel Diez, Víctor Petuya, Luis Alfonso Martínez-Cruz, Alfonso Hernández
Title: A biokinematic approach for the computational simulation of proteins molecular mechanism
Journal: Mechanism and Machine Theory 46, 1854–1868
, 2011

Authors: Petuya, V.; Macho, E.; Altuzarra, O.; Pinto, C.; Hernández, A.
Title: Educational Software Tools for the Kinematic Analysis of Mechanisms
Journal: Computer Applications in Engineering Education
, Vol. 22, No 1, pp 72-86 (2014) (First published online: February 24, 2011)

Authors: Altuzarra, O.; Pinto, C.; Sandru, B. ; Hernández, A.
Title: Optimal Dimensioning for Parallel Manipulators: Workspace, Dexterity and Energy
Journal: Journal of Mechanical Design.
Vol. 133, No 4, 041007 (7 pages), 2011

Authors: Altuzarra, O.; Petuya, V.;Urízar, M.; Hernández, A.
Title: Design Procedure for Cuspidal Parallel Manipulators
Journal: Mechanism and Machine Theory.
Vol. 46, No 2, pp 97-111, 2011

Authors: Altuzarra, O.; Aginaga, J.; Hernández, A.; Zabalza, I.
Workspace Analysis of Positioning Discontinuities due to Clearances in Parallel Manipulators
Journal: Mechanism and Machine Theory, 46, 577–592, 2011

Authors: Macho, E.; Pinto, Ch.; Amezua, E.; Hernández A.
Title: Software Tool to Compute, Analyze and Visualize Workspaces of Parallel Kinematics Robot
Journal: Advanced Robotics, 25, 675–698
, 2011

Authors: O. Altuzarra, B. Sandru, Ch. Pinto, V. Petuya
Title: A symmetric parallel Schonflies motion manipulator for pick and place operations
Journal: Robotica. Vol. 29, pp: 853- 862, 2011

Authors: Celaya, A., De Lacalle, L.N.L., Campa, F.J., Lamikiz, A.
Title: Ultrasonic Assisted Turning of mild steels
Journal: International Journal of Materials and Product Technology, 37 (1-2), pp. 60-70, 2010

Authors: Campa, F.J., Ortega, N., Compeán, F.I., Olvera, D., Fdez. Valdivieso, A., Alonso, U.
Title: Estudio de la rigidez para la predicción de la precisión de las máquinas-herramienta
Journal: Dyna, Vol. 85, No 9, pp. 730-737, 2010

Authors: A. Zubizarreta; I. Cabanes; M. Marcos; Ch. Pinto
Title: Dynamic Modelling of Planar Parallel Robots Considering Passive Joint Sensor Data
Journal: Robotica. Vol 28, pp:649-661, 2010

Authors: O. Altuzarra; M. Loizaga; C. Pinto; V. Petuya
Synthesis of Partially Decoupled Multi-level Manipulators with Lower Mobility
Journal: Mechanism and Machine Theory. Vol. 45, pp: 106-118, 2010

 Authors: Urízar, M.; Petuya, V.; Altuzarra, O.; Macho, E.; Hernández, A.
Title: Computing the Configuration Space for Tracing Paths between Assembly Modes
Journal: ASME
Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics. Vol. 2, No 3, 031002 (11 pages), 2010

Authors: Salgado, O.; Altuzarra, O.; Viadero, F.; Hernández A.
Title: Computational Kinematics for Robotic Manipulators: Instantaneous Motion Pattern
Journal: Engineering Computations. Vol. 27, No 4, pp 495-518, 2010

Authors: Pinto, Ch.; Corral, J.; Altuzarra, O.; Hernández, A.
Title: A methodology for static stiffness mapping in lower mobility parallel manipulators with decoupled motions
Journal: Robotica. Vol. 28, pp 719-735, 2010

Authors: O. Altuzarra; A. Zubizarreta; I. Cabanes; C. Pinto
Title: Dynamics of parallelogram-limbed Parallel Manipulators
Journal: Mechatronics. Vol: 19, pp: 1269 – 1279, 2009

Authors: Hernandez, A.; Altuzarra, O.; Petuya, V.; Macho, E.
Title: Defining conditions for nonsingular transitions between assembly modes
Journal: IEEE Transaction on Robotics. Vol. 25, No 6, pp 1438-1446, 2009

Authors: Macho, E.; Altuzarra, O.; Amezua, E.; Hernández, A.
Title: Obtaining Configuration Space and Singularity Maps for Parallel Manipulators
Journal: Mechanism and Machine Theory. Vol. 44, pp 2110-2125, 2009

Authors: Altuzarra, O.; Salgado, O.; Hernández, A.; Angeles, J.
Title: Multiobjective Optimum Design of a symmetric Parallel Schönflies-Motion Generator
Journal: Journal of Mechanical Design.
Vol. 131, No 3, 031002-11 pages, 2009

Authors: Altuzarra, O.; San Martín, Y.; Amezua, E.; Hernández, A.
Title: Motion Pattern Analysis of Parallel Kinematic Machines: A Case Study
Journal: Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing. Vol. 25, pp 432–440, 2009

Authors: Petuya, V.; Alonso, A.; Pinto, Ch.; Altuzarra, O.; Hernández A.
Title: A new general-purpose method to solve the forward position problem in parallel manipulators
Journal: Advanced Robotics. Vol. 22, pp 395–409, 2008

Authors: Altuzarra, O.; Salgado, O.; Petuya, V.; Hernández A.
Title: Computational Kinematics for Parallel Manipulators: Jacobian Problems
Journal: Engineering Computations. Vol. 25, No 1, pp 4-27, 2008

Authors: Macho, E.; Pinto, Ch.; Altuzarra, O.; Hernández, A.
Title: Workspaces associated to assembly modes of the 5R planar parallel manipulator
Journal: Robotica. Vol. 26, No 3, pp 395-403, 2008

Authors: Avilés, R.; Hernández, A.; Amezua, E.; Altuzarra, O.
Title: Kinematic Analysis of Linkages Based in Finite Elements and the Geometric Stiffness Matrix
Journal: Mechanism and Machine Theory. Vol. 43, No 8, pp 964-983, 2008

Authors: Hernández, A.; Altuzarra, O.; Pinto, Ch.; Amezua, E.
Title: Transitions in the Velocity Pattern of Lower Mobility Parallel Manipulators
Journal: Mechanism and Machine Theory. Vol. 43, No 6, pp 738-753 , 2008

Authors: Petuya, V.; Gutierrez, J. M.; Alonso, A.; Altuzarra, O.; Hernández, A.
Title: A Numerical Procedure to Solve Non-Linear Kinematic Problems in Spatial Mechanisms
Journal: International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering.
Vol. 73, No 6, pp 825-843, 2008

Authors: Salgado, O.; Altuzarra, O.; Petuya, V.; Hernández, A.
Title: Synthesis and Design of a Novel 3T1R Fully-Parallel Manipulator
Journal: Journal of Mechanical Design.
Vol. 130, No 4, 42305-8 pages, 2008

Authors: Del Pozo, D.; López de Lacalle, L.N.; López, J.M.; Hernández, A.
Title: Prediction of press/die deformation for an accurate manufacturing of drawing dies
Journal: Int. J. Advanced Manufacturing Technology.
Vol. 37, No 7-8, pp 649-656, 2008