Articulating device for vehicle seat

Title: Articulating device for vehicle seat
Inventors: N. Bilbao, A. Peña, D. Rodríguez, I. Olavarria, V. Petuya
International application number: PCT/ES2008/068378
International publication number: WO 2010/075900 A1
International filling date: 31.12.2008
Publication date: 08.07.2010
Belonging to: Robotiker (Tecnalia)


Description of the invention

patentSeatThe present invention relates to an articulating device for assisting a person in getting in/out of a vehicle. Said device comprises articulating means placed between a cushion frame and a cushion of a seat of a vehicle for moving the cushion of the seat in a longitudinal direction towards the front of the seat and in a lateral direction towards an access door to the seat, and for moving the cushion with an upward movement suitable to obtain a reduction of the L4-L5 moment when the person gets in/out of the vehicle. Preferably the reduction of the L4-L5 moment is at least 30%.

According to the present invention, when a user wants to get out of a vehicle, the cushion rises up to a determined position and it simultaneously moves laterally towards the access door of the vehicle and longitudinally towards the front of the seat. Once the user has gotten out of the vehicle the cushion performs the opposite movements, so that it goes back to a resting position in the seat of the vehicle.

When a user wants to get in the vehicle, he will perform the opposite movements. First, the device moves the cushion upwardly and towards the access door of the vehicle and the front of the seat to make it easier for the user to sit on it, and then moves back to a resting position on the seat of the vehicle.

Due to the combination of these three movements the device of the present invention helps to reduce the lumbar stress of a user getting in/out of the vehicle and can therefore prevent back problems such as LBP and disc herniations.

The present invention relates to an articulating device for assisting a person in getting in/out of a vehicle comprising articulating means placed between the cushion frame and the cushion of a conventional seat of a vehicle for moving the cushion with an upward movement, in a longitudinal direction towards the front of the seat and in a lateral direction towards an access door.