Suspension system for motor vehicles and motor vehicle including said system

Title: Suspension system for motor vehicles and motor vehicle including said system  
Inventors: A. Peña, J.M. Pedrero, D. del Pozo, J. Corral
International application number: PCT/ES2008/000081
International publication number: WO 2009/101218 A3
International filling date: 14.02.02008
Publication data: 20.08.2009
Belonging to: Tecnalia

Description of the invention

patenteSuspensionThe invention relates to a suspension system for motor vehicles and to a motor vehicle including said system, which can be used to alter the camber angle of a wheel supported by an axle articulated with a lower supporting element. The system comprises: a steering rod articulated with the axle, which is located in the plane of the lower supporting element, the coupling point between the steering rod and the axle  being located on the instantaneous axis of rotation between the lower supporting element and the axle; a joint upwardly articulated with the axle; a tie bar; and an actuator element solidly connected to the joint and configured to alter the camber angle of the wheel by altering the length of the actuator element.