Convocatoria competitiva de grupos de investigación consolidados del SUV

Name of the project: Convocatoria competitiva de grupos de investigación consolidados del Sistema Universitario Vasco
Reference: IT949-16
Funding: Basque Covernment
Period: 2016 – 2021
Main researchers: Alfonso Hernández
Number of participating researchers: 10

Currently, this project is one of the main funding source that COMPMECH research group has. Thanks to the project titled Convocatoria competitiva de grupos de investigación consolidados del sistema universitario vasco that the Basque Government awards to consolidated and renowed research groups, COMPMECH research group can continue working in the field of mechanisms and machines with parallel architecture.

This project is the main funding source for the new research lines that focus on design and analysis of different variants of parallel manipulators such as compliant parallel manipulators and reconfigurable parallel manipulators.  Besides, COMPMECH research group has also started to study the mechatronics of parallel manipulators.