General Manager

General Manager


Miren Lorea Bilbao Artetxe (Curriculum vitae)

Contact data

Secretary: Ana Martín

Location: Rectorate Building

Postal address:
Sarriena, s/n
48940 Leioa (Bizkaia)

Areas of authority

The Manager assists the other members of the Management Team in their respective areas of authority.

As set out in the Articles of Association, The manager handles the management of economic and financial resources and assets, organises and manages administrative and financial services and coordinates the administration of the remaining services, without prejudice to other functions envisages in the Articles.

The following areas of authority are conferred on the Manager:

  • Head of administrative and service staff, except as envisaged in Article 5.
  • Selection, appointment and hiring of administrative and service staff, except for the appointment of career public employees and the hiring of indefinite-term employees, which is handled by the Rector.
  • The functions envisaged in Article 7 as regards hiring.
  • The representation of the university before the public administrations in tax matters when the UPV/EHU is the taxpayer.
  • The representation of the university before financial institutions for the opening and cancelling of bank accounts, treasury monitoring, requesting guarantees for submittal to other organisations and cancellation of credit cards.
  • IT services to assist teaching and research.
  • The organising, development and implementation of occupational risk prevention policies at the university.