ALICE 2021 Final Congress: A Roadmap to Multifunctional and Resilient Landscapes: Adapting to Global Change through Blue and Green Infrastructure Networks (BGIN)
On March 16 and 17 by videoconference, the Chair participated in the final Congress of the ALICE project organized by ‘IHCantabria’ – University of Cantabria and the ALICE partners. ALICE is a project financed 75% by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) under the umbrella of INTERREG Atlantic Area. The main objective is to promote sustainable investments in Blue-Green Infrastructure Networks (RIAVs) through the identification of the benefits of Ecosystem Services delivered in the terrestrial-aquatic and terrestrial-maritime interface in the Atlantic region.
During the congress, the following sessions were held:
- Session 1 – Towards smart landscape management: understanding the evolution of ecosystems
- Session 2 – Towards smart landscape management: modeling of ecosystem services
- Session 3 – Participatory learning for land management
- Session 4 – of the BGIN: Obstacles and solutions in the Atlantic area