Catedra UNESCO sobre Desarrollo Sostenible y Educación Ambiental de la UPV/EHU

Meeting of the EME (Spain’s Millennium Ecosystems) working group with ESP (Ecosystem Service Partnership) Education and training team

ESP is a global network created to improve the science, policy and practice of ecosystem services for conservation and sustainable development. The EME working group, in which representatives of the project «Evaluation of the Ecosystem Services of Euskadi» are part, met on May 31 with Luis Inostroza, executive member of ESP and director of the Education and Training subgroup to give to know the EME group and be part of the subgroup that he directs. The EME group was created with the aim of compiling the actions, materials and didactic resources in relation to the ecosystem services developed so far in Spain and making them known jointly at the national and international level, so that all this material on the ESP website may be the best option for the dissemination of our work. In fact, the ESP Education and Training team aims to disseminate the knowledge generated by ESP working groups and other activities in educational material and training packages for different groups.

Cátedra UNESCO sobre Desarrollo Sostenible y Educación Ambiental