Anaitze Aguirre Larreta: Presentación

Anaitze Aguirre Larreta


Anaitze Aguirre Larreta is a PDI in the Department of Journalism at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU). PhD student in Feminist and Gender Studies with a specialisation in Communication and anthropology. Master of Research in Feminist and Gender Studies (UPV/EHU) with the same disciplines.

As a lecturer at the UPV/EHU, she has taught bilingual (Spanish, Basque) in the following subjects: News Genders, Journalism Technology and Communication Cabinets.

She has presented papers and communications at national and international level conferences.

She has publisshed works in the form of book chapters and articles in academic journals. 

Some of these publications have been developed in the framework of her continuous participation in more than a dozen research projects funded by public calls. Most of these projects have focused on media representation and participation of ethno-cultural minorities, racism and hate speech.

She has participated in projects with G.V. and state funding, including an R+D+I project directed by the anthropologist Liliana Suárez Navas: Migración, Comunicación, Ciudadanía. Theoretical-political reflections on the mutation of the "Latin" media bubble.

She has also participated in research projects financed by the EU (FAMI, EIF, Erasmus+, etc.).  

She collaborates with the research group Laboratori de Mitjans Interactius, an inter-institutional research group on media of the Universitat de Barcelona and the Universitat de Vic - Universitat Central de Catalunya.

She collaborates in research and intervention projects (research-action) with SOS Racismo and Irungo Harrera Sarea.

Lines of research

As a researcher, her research interests are: communication, migration, gender systems, hate speech.

Most relevant publications (last 5 years)

  • Aguirre Larreta, A; Bullen, M (2022). El tránsito como proceso migratorio generizado: mujeres africanas negras en movimiento (Transit as a gendered migratory process: black African women on the move) in I. Barbero (Ed), El tránsito de personas migrantes desde la perspectiva de los derechos y la acogida digna (189-212). Tirant Lo Blanc
  • Martínez Corcuera, R; Aguirre Larreta, Anaitze (2021). La mirada mediática de la llegada migratoria a Canarias: No pienses en la responsabilidad institucional de una mala gestión humanitaria in C. Themme Afan et al. (Coords.), Del Maine a las redes sociales (72-83). SOS Racism Federation
  • Del Pino Molina, M., Agirre Larreta, A., Louise Bullen, M., Fernandes Maso, T., Galán Silvo, I., Gomez Mendoza, N., Pertkiewicz, J., Santamaria Viveros, Y., & Sergidou, K. (2020). Ez Donk Oraindik and Corps-Exquis: a feminist community in times of virus. Dilemata, (33), 95-115. 
  • Martínez Corcuera, R., Agirre Larreta, Anaitze (2019). Invisibilización y conflicto como representación mediática de personas racializadas in Suárez Navaz et al. (Coords.) Medios de comunicación latinos. Comunicación y cultura en la España neoliberal (85-106). Tercera Prensa.
  • Raúl Martínez-Corcuera. Anaitze Aguirre Larreta. Marc Compte-Pujol (2021). Youtubers and adolescent audience: from hate speech to inclusive discourse in S. Civila (ed.).
  • Agirre Larreta, A (Coord.). (2017). Islamophobia and Gender: Women, feminisms, institutions and discourses in the face of racism and sexism. SOS Racism Federation.
  • Ramírez, A., Agirre Larreta, A. (2017). Islamophobia y género: Miradas diversas desde el activismo, las Instituciones y la academia in A. Agirre Larreta (ed.) in Federación SOS Racismo Islamofobia y Género: Mujeres, feminismos, instituciones y discursos frente al racismo y sexismo (39-42).
  • Agirre Larreta, A. (Ed.). (2017). Migrations, minorities and media: Words matter (SOS Racismo, 2017). Available online
  • Agirre Larreta, A. (2017). Erlijioa, hijaba eta neutraltasunaz in Federación SOS Racismo Migraciones, minorías y medios de comunicación: Words matter" (9-11).
  • Agirre Larreta, A., Martínez Corcuera, M. (2017). 'Muslim women: between invisibility and hyper-exposure' in Federación SOS Racismo Migraciones, minorías y medios de comunicación: Words matter.
  • Agirre Larreta, A. (2017). « Frontiers, the construction of migrant women and their media representation. The invisible half, naturally” in Calcutta Ondoan ComunicACCIÓN for social change. 
  • Martínez Corcuera, R., Agirre Larreta, A. (2016). 2015. Crisis of EU policies for the reception of refugees in the media: from humanitarian vision to criminalisation. In Federación SOS Racismo - published in the book Informe Anual 2016 de Federación de SOS Racismo (75-149).

Research projects

  • Title of project/contract: "From Maine to social networks: a participatory action research on information and misinformation around diversity and migrations and its impact on migrant and racialised communities".
    Researcher in the scientific committee. FAMI funds, Resolution of 21 July 2020.
    Keywords: hate speech /incitement to racial hatred/social networks/media.
    Title of project/contract: REACT - Respect and Equality: Acting and Communicating Together
    Company / Funding body: EUUN - European Union
    Duration, from: 2018 until: 2018
    Participating entities: 11
    Keywords: hate speech/racial hate speech/racial hate speech/social networks/media
  • Title of project/contract: 'Pasaia harrera-sherri egiten'. Welcoming new female neighbours
    Funding company/administration: Pasaia City Council
    Participating entities: SOS Racismo Gipuzkoa
    Duration, from: 2018 until: 2018
    Keywords: gender/immigration/acceptance/inclusion
  • Title of project/contract: Anti-rumour comic 'ALAIA, Basque and Muslim'.
    Funding company/administration: Basque Government
    Participating entities: SOS Racism Gipuzkoa
    Duration, from: 2017 until: 2017
    Researcher(s) responsible: Peio M. Aierbe Peio M. Aierbe
    Number of participating researchers: 7
    Keywords: gender/immigration/racism
  • Title of project/contract: Tools for a proper media treatment of immigration
    Company / Financing administration: MEySS
    Participating entities: SOS Racismo Federation
    Project / contract number: P08/109/16 Amount: 119.952€ Duration, from: 2017 until: 2017
    Researcher(s) in charge: Anaitze Aguirre Larre Anaitze Aguirre Larreta
    Number of researchers involved: 7
    Keywords: media/immigration/representation
    Project/Contract code: P08/109/16
  • Title of the project / contract: Youtubers I discurs inclusiu
    Company / Funding Administration: Consell de l'Audiovisual de Catalunya
    Project / contract number: 35/2017 Duration, from: 2017 to: 2017
    Researcher / responsible / s: Raúl Martínez Corcuera
    Key words: youtubers/diversity/inclusion
  • Title of project / contract: Women and Islamophobia II
    Type of contract / Programme: MEySS. General Secretariat for Immigration and Emigration.
    Company / Funding Administration: Government of Spain
    Participating entities: SOS Racismo Federation
    Duration, from: 2018 until: 2018
    Keywords: hate speech/islamophobia/feminisms/women/minorities/participation
  • Project/Contract title: Women and Islamophobia
    Type of contract / Programme: MEySS. General Secretariat for Immigration and Emigration.
    Company / Financing Administration: Government of Spain
    Participating entities: SOS Racismo Federation
    Project / Contract number: 109/16 MEySS Amount: 101.325,61 Duration, from: 2017 until: 2017
    Researcher(s) responsible: Tarana Karim
    Number of participating researchers: 6
    Keywords: hate speech/islamophobia/feminisms/feminisms/women/minorities/participation.
  • Project / contract title: GEMMA against Violence: Gender based Empowerment of Migrants through a Multiagency Approach. DAP-other groups at risk of violence
    Type of contract / Programme: 81JUST - DG JUSTICE. Justice Programme / Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme.
    Company / Funding body: EUUN - European Union.
    Participating organisations: 8 (Italy, Greece, Bulgaria, Spain, Finland)
    Project / contract number: JUST / 2014 / FRAC / AG / 6214 Amount: 433253,57€ Duration, from: 2016 until: 2018
    Responsible researcher(s): Gianluca Morlino
    Number of researchers involved: 12
    Keywords: gender-based violence/migrant women/multidisciplinary approach
  • Title of the project / contract: Process of drawing up the SOS Racismo Gipuzkoa Equality Plan.
    Funding company/administration: GV
    Participating entities: SOS Racismo Gipuzkoa and Consultora UNA
    Duration, from: 2016 to: 2017
    Number of participating researchers: 7
    Keywords: equality/feminism
  • Title of project / contract: PRISM, Preventing, Redressing and Inhibiting Hate Speech in new Media
    Type of contract / Programme: 81JUST - DG JUSTICE. Justice Programme / Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme.
    Company / Financing administration: EUUN - European Union.
    Participating entities: 11
    Project / Contract number: JUST / 2013 / FRAC / AG / 6214 Amount: 506.219,39 Duration, from: 2014 to: 2016
    Researcher / is responsible / s: Francesca Chiavacci
    Number of researchers involved: ---
    Keywords: hate speech / incitement to racial hatred / social networks / media
    Project/Contract code: 089,272 Order: 038
  • Project/Contract title: Face2Face: facilitating dialogue between migrants and European citizens
    Type of contract / Programme: 7INTI - INTI. Integration of third country nationals.
    Company / Financing administration: EUCO - European Commission
    Participating entities: 4 (CZ, IT, UK, SP)
    Project / contract number: HOME / 2011 / EIFX / CA / 2053 Amount: 444.560,30 Duration, from: 2013 to: 2014
    Researcher / responsible / is: Jan Kamenicky
    Number of participating researchers: 8
    Keywords: 210992 - Intercultural training / 033.765 - Audiovisual communication / 039855 - Workshops / 219427 - Immigrant integration
    Project/Contract code: 083495 Order: 002
  • Title of project / contract: Co-direction of the documentary 'Balta Txuria Balta Berdea. El rumor del Urumea' Company / Financing administration: OSIFE
    Produced by SOS Racism Gipuzkoa
    From: 2012 to: 2013
  • Title of project / contract: Fostering political participation and policy involvement of immigrants in 9 central european countries
    Type of contract / Programme: HOME/2012-2013/EIFX/CA/CFP
    Company / Funding Administration: HOME AFFAIRS/EUROPEAN COMMISSION/EU
    Participating entities: 11
    Project / Contract number: HOME/2012-2013/EIFX/CA/CFP Amount: 567.887,11 Duration, from: 2013 to: 2015
    Researcher(s) responsible: MARTIN ROZUMEK
    Number of researchers involved: 12
    Key words: political participation/ integration/ immigrants/
  • Title of the project / contract: Politics of Representation in Transnational Migration Fields. Production, dissemination and consumption of media content in the context of migration.
    Type of contract / Programme:NiFu - National Programme for Fundamental Research.
    Company / Funding body: MCNN - Ministry of Science and Innovation.
    Participating entities: ---
    Project / Contract number: CSO2008-03022 / PARTNER Amount: 60,500.00 Duration, from: 2009 to: 2012
    Researcher / is responsible / s: Liliana Suárez Navaz
    Number of researchers involved: 8
    Keywords: 220015 - Media analysis / 219348 - Transnational migration / 032152 - Socio-cultural communication systems
    Project/Contract code: 083496 Order: 004
  • Title of project / contract: Next Door Family
    Type of contract / programme: HOME AFFAIRS/INTEGRATION FUNDS
    Company / Funding body: EUUN - European Union
    Participating entities: 7
    Project / Contract number: HOME / 2010 / EIFX / CA / 1764 Amount: 477.304,35 Duration, from: 2010 to: 2012
    Responsible researcher(s): Jelena Silajdzic
    Number of participating researchers: 8
    Keywords: integration, stereotypes, immigration, participation
  • Title of project / contract: Bizilagunak
    Company / Financing administration: Basque Government. Department of Housing and Social Affairs.
    Duration, from: 2012 to: 2017
    Key words: integration, stereotypes, immigration, participation.
  • Title of the project / contract: 'Pensad que esto ha sucedido. Lessons from the Holocaust'.
    Company / Funding administration: DFG
    Duration, from: 2011 until: 2016
    Keywords: integration, stereotypes, stereotypes, immigration, racism


Collaborator with Antxeta Irratia (Hendaye) in programmes dedicated to women, immigration and diversity (2014-2018).

Teacher in the online course on Critical citizenship, activism and borders(Asmoz Foundation), 30 hours each year, in 2021, 2017 and 2016.