
The "Digital Electronics Design Group, GDED " was formed more than 20 years ago in the Faculty of Science and Technology, University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU). Since 2007 the GDED is recognized by the Basque Government as a consolidated research group. Currently it consists of 8 lecturers and researchers from the Dep. of Electricity and Electronics (Faculty of Science and Technology) and the Dep. ofElectronics Technology (Faculty of Engineering of Bilbao).
The group is mainly involved in the design of embedded electronic systems using reconfigurable devices (FPGAs) and programmable SoCs . In particular, in recent years it has specialized in the development of systems on a chip (SoCs) for applications that demand adaptive operation, high performance and low power. GDED researchers have also extensive experience in complex dynamic systems modelling techniques using Computational Intelligence and Data Mining.
The activities of the group: research, training and technology transfer are characterized by their high multidisciplinary character. They range from basic and applied research, to innovative technological developments in areas such as Ambient Intelligence (intelligent agents on a chip), Wireless Sensor Networks, Human Activity Recognition and Wearable Computing, Intelligent Vision, Optimal and Predictive Controllers, Intelligent Transport Systems (advanced driver assistance systems) and Energy Efficiency (modelling of cogeneration plants).
Since its creation the group has promoted collaborations with the socio-economic agents through partnerships such as GAIA (Association of Industries of Electronic and Information Technologies of the Basque Country), companies in the ICT and aerospace sectors (Cuantics Creatives, ULMA Embedded and OPTIMITIVE SL, Satlantis Microsats) and technology centers, mainly fron the Basque Research & Technology Aliance (BRTA) such as Tecnalia, Tekniker and Ikerlan. Also worthy to note the internationalization actions initiated in recent years that have led to collaborations with research groups from the Universities of Essex, Coventry, Edinburgh and Sabanci (Istanbul).