Research Profile

The "The Digital Electronics Design Group, GDED" is a multidisciplinary group with a strong foundation in the areas of Electronics and Electronics Technology. The research activity of the group reflects a dynamic profile in which these areas interact synergistically with the Information and Communications Technology (ICT). The GDED has over 20 years of experience in the development of funded research projects whose results have led to numerous publications in international conferences and high impact journals. Due to the quality of its work, the group is recognized by the Basque Government as consolidated research group since 2007
Regarding the teaching profile, members of the group participate in the following undergraduate courses and graduate degree programs of the UPV/EHU:
• Bachelor's Degree in Electronic Engineering (Faculty of Science and Technology)
• Bachelor's Degree in Industrial Electronics and Automation (EUITI Bilbao)
• Master's Degree in Physics Engineering (Faculty of Science and Technology and ETSI Bilbao)
• Master's Degree in Advanced Electronic Systems (ETSI Bilbao)
• PhD Program of Engineering Physics
The GDED has always been very active in the direction of graduate and master degree activities, as well as PhD research works, where the offer for incorporating new students and researchers remains open continuously. In its commitment to the internationalization of its activities, the GDED also promotes the mention of "European Doctorate" for the current PhD students.
The group profile is complemented with technology transfer activities, and the implementation of projects in cooperation with companies and research centres. These activities have been consolidated in recent years with the development of university/company graduate works and PhD works.