Wall Drawing 2022.Lisbon
1.- Data

- Title: Wall Drawing 2022.Lisbon
- Art and Project: Juan Carlos Olabe y Xabier Basogain - JC&X
- Collaborators: (see list below)
- Technique: Acrylic paint on plaster
- Size: 480 cm x 240 cm and 430 cm x 240 cm
- Date: November 2022
- Place: Maker Gunea - Basurto (Map)
Wall Drawing 2022.Lisbon is a work of art in which a minimalist language is presented to give the visitor/spectator the experience to explore the representation of ideas with simple geometric forms and a reduce set of colors. The implementation of this work has limited to set of colors to three (magenta, turquoise and orange). It also has limited the set of geometric forms to quadrilaterals (rectangles and squares.)
The semantic interpretation of the drawing places the viewers next to a window from where they see a sunset at sea. This iconic scene is typical of many towns and cities close to the sea, such as the those of the Basque coast.
The two-dimensional geometry of the wall drawing conveys the presence of multiple planes (the window, the sea, and the sky) which in conjunction form a three dimensional world.
The lattice of the window has been designed to represent an important symbol in the culture of the Basque Country: the Lauburu. This design uses the principles of topology and symmetry, including translation and rotation.
The iconic symbol created for this drawing is susceptible of a large number of simple transformations, in color and geometry, expanding the possibilities of representation of the minimalist language.
This work is complemented in the same physical place with the work Glass Drawing 2022.Venice
2. How Wall Drawing 2022.Lisbon was installed
3.- Perspectives/Views

La obra presenta dos paneles con el mismo motivo.
Android simulation around the artistic work