w_en_Department of Physical Chemistry

Department of Physical Chemistry

The Department of Physical Chemistry provides opportunities for an undergraduate or graduate student to achieve a complete understanding of the fundamentals on all fields of Physical Chemistry. It offers master's degrees, courses and conferences in the more general areas of Physical Chemistry, as well as the possibility of acquiring more specialized training in specific areas in which the Department’s members conduct their research, including spectroscopy , the synthesis and characterization of materials and quantum chemistry, among others .

The Department provides a wide experience in the laboratory methods for both inorganic and organic synthesis of materials and surfaces, in physicochemical methods of characterization, spectroscopy, and quantum chemistry and technology methods. This is possible thanks to the state-of-the-art equipment is available , which includes a wide range of advanced techniques.

More important than formal aspects (lectures, courses, techniques, seminars ...) is the intellectual environment provided by the department. A clear example are  the common rooms for students that allow them  to exchange experienciaes and ideas and develop positive synergies. Often, PhDs are in charge of degree or master students, which facilitates future graduates a complementary view to that of teachers and which enriches their training . Also, Department members are available to talk, discuss and advise on chemistry, science, career opportunities or any other topic that the students show interest in . The best way to enroll in the scientific opportunities available in the Department is to join a research group by contacting members of such groups or through the Head of Department. There is a wide, high-quality offer, supported by the excellent results obtained over the years and the Department's interest in maintaining a strong activity in both research and teaching innovation . Thus, we have groups expeert in the design and advanced computational and spectroscopic characterization of fluorescent organic dyes and custom multifunctional materials; in the application and design of state-of-the-art spectroscopic techniques and technologies, including ultra-fast molecular dynamics, high-resolution spectroscopy in cooled jets, imaging by mass spectrometry, and the manufacture and characterization of magnetic nanostructures ; in the design, synthesis and characterization of new polymers and composites for advanced applications such as 3D printing, flexible electronics, biomedicine, microfluidic sensors or contaminant remediation,; inthe study of fundamental quantum phenomena and to the development of new quantum technologies for information processing and quantum computing, and detectors in atomic, molecular and optical physics systems, or solid state.

Head of department



José Luis Vilas Vilela
ext 5967

Leyre Pérez Álvarez
ext 2709