

General information about the Faculty

Information from the University of the Basque Country

The Faculty

Calendars and schedules

Qualification system

The grading system at the UPV/EHU is as follows:

ECTS Grade   Spanish Grade Definition UPV/EHU  
A Excellent 9,0-10 Honorable mention Extraordinary. Honorable Mention
A Excellent 9,0-10 Excellent Excellent, with only minor errors
B Very good 8,0-8,9 Very Good Above average but with some errors
C Good 7,0-7,9 Very Good Good overall work, but with some errors
D Satisfactory 6,0-6,9 Pass Good results, but with significant errors
E/PASS Sufficient 5,0-5,9 Pass Efficiency complies with minimum requirements
FX Fail 4,0-4,9 Fail Requires more work
F Fail 0,0-3,9 Fail Considerable work is needed
NOT TAKEN NOT TAKEN NP Not presented The student did not take the exam


Uniforms and equipment necessary for the internship (Incoming students)

Students doing their mobility in the Faculty of Medicine and Nursing, in any of the four degrees (Medicine, Nursing, Physiotherapy and Dentistry), and who have to do a placement during their stay, must bring the necessary uniform and equipment

Syllabuses and teaching guides





Things to bear in mind:

  • Years 1. 2 and 3 are taught at the Leioa Faculty.
  • Years 4. 5 and 6 are taught in the Teaching Units of the host capitals. When you request a place, you may indicate your preferred choice of hospital (Bizkaia: Basurto or Cruces University Hospitals; Gipuzkoa: Donostia University Hospital or Araba University Hospital (Txagorritxu or Santiago headquarter), although places will be allocated depending on availability.
  • Due to the different location of the faculty and the teaching units, it is not possible to take subjects from the Leioa block (1st, 2nd and 3rd) and at the same time from the block of the teaching units (4th, 5th and 6th).No changes are permitted once the choice has been made.
  • The Teaching Unit that will be assigned to students who come to study 4th and 5th year will be, for the most part, the Vitoria Teaching Unit.
  • The subjects Surgery I and II, and Clinical Medical Pathology I and II must be taken in their entirety.
  • Priority period for clinical internships in the 6th year of Medicine: September to December. Outside these dates will be assessed but there is no guarantee of availability of places.
  • Due to the fact that the Faculty and the Teaching Units are located in different places, it is difficult to combine the courses taught in one with those taught in the other.
  • No changes will be allowed once the Teaching Unit and rotations have been awarded.
  • Student orientation will be carried out at the designated Teaching Unit.
  • Students will not be admitted in June, July and August (non-school).