The Doctoral School of the UPV/EHU (DOKe) in collaboration with the G9 and through The Charlesworth Group offers the following webinars

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Key skills for Early Career Researchers (ECR)

This webinar will examine some of the core research, networking, publication and professional skills needed by ECR’s irrespective of discipline.

Identifying the key sell in your research

Ensure that you show editors you are taking this process seriously. How to maximise your chances of publication in your target journal after review. Manage comments on your work and don’t be afraid of talking with editors.

Branding yourself as a researcher

This webinar will help you maximise your impact as a researcher. It will look at media teams and how you can work with them, how to write effective press releases about your research, getting news items published, how to write an engaging blog and how to maximise the reach and dissemination of your research.

Managing Collaborations and research items effectively

This webinar will look at effective collaboration and how it can further your perspective, popularise your work, and help gain research funding. It also looks at why you need to network and will provide helpful insights into ways to make your network grow. Managing research teams and colleagues is also covered, alongside a discussion on key skills needed to present and promote your research.

Researcher well being and imposter sindrome

Researcher well-being and mental health awareness have been a hot topic in academia and among research policy officers. we talk about how anxiety and depression affect academia and how we need to tackle it. Scientists and academicians are sometimes vulnerable to the "imposter syndrome or imposter phenomenon". They start to have difficulties in internalizing their own success. We talk about what impostor syndrome/phenomenon/experience is and what it's not.

Common scientific writing mistakes made by non-native English writers

Learn how to avoid common scientific writing mistakes, focus and hone your writing skills to become more effective. The Charlesworth education team will take you through the process of effective scientific paper-writing in English.

Grant proposal writing

Successful grant writing is both an art and a science and in this webinar we try and simplify Grant Proposal writing for you. Successful grant writing is both an art and a science. In this webinar we will outlines the process, help you understand the parts of a Request for Proposal (RFP) and explains what to consider while drafting your Grant Proposal. We explain how to identify the right funders for your research and look at Grant databases; providing guidelines on how to seek and access the right Grant Fund.

Why do papers get rejected?

This webinar will focus on the key reasons why an academic paper is rejected by a journal and will provide hints and tips on how to minimize your chances of rejection by your selected journal.

Peer review: How to do it and survive it to get your papers published?

In this webinar learn about the different types of Peer Review. Find out who are the Peer Reviewers and learn how to deal with a ‘Revise and Resubmit” decision which is one of the most common outcomes of the peer review process.

Publication Ethics

Managing and staying on the right side of publication ethics can be confusing for researchers. In this webinar, we outline common ethical issues encountered in academic publishing, including plagiarism, one of the most common reasons for article rejection from international journals.

Effective public speaking

Presentation and public-speaking skills can be learned. This webinar provides helpful hints and tips when presenting your research to different stakeholders.

Open Science and Open Data

Open science is a practice that allows for greater access and more communication and collaboration among researchers. Open Science is more transparent and involves a collaborative sharing of knowledge broadly. This webinar looks at Open Science in detail and how it differentiates from Open Access.

Planning for an academic conference

Academic conferences are huge networking opportunities that can make or break careers. Learn some key skills to maximise your time. We will also look at how to design, create, and produce a conference poster that people will remember.

Why should I publish Open Access?

This webinar provides an introduction to Open Access for researchers. It will discuss the different Open Access publishing models and look at the benefits and challenges of OA publishing. 

How to write and publish your papers in high impact journals

Aim high with your research publications and learn how to write and submit your work effectively to great journals. Our webinar will teach you essential tips and tricks to enable you to achieve your writing aspirations by publishing your research in high impact journals.

Performing well in an academic interview

This webinar discusses academic careers and gives important guidelines that could help you land your first job in academia. The webinar addresses the difficult questions every job seeker in academia faces about drafting a CV, prepping for an interview and managing a digital presence.

What to do when research goes wrong

In this webinar you will learn about what could possibly go wrong, anticipating challenges, how to respond to unexpected outcomes and becoming a better researcher.

Statistics and data presentation explained

Presenting data in an attractive manner and making sure your analyses are watertight can make or break a study.