
Etika finantzetan eta balio soziala

Etika finantzetan eta balio soziala Ethics in finance and social value

Egungo egoerak aukera ezin hobea eskaintzen du eraldaketa prozesu bat aurrera eraman ahal izateko: egungo enpresa-ereduak enpresa-erakundeen balioa stakeholders talde osorako areagotzen duten kudeaketa eredu berriztatzailetara birbideratzea. Finantza-harremanak optimizatzeko lerro ezberdinak daude: stakeholders teoria bere ikuspegi ontologikotik aplikatu, enpresa-erakundeek sortutako giza balioa modu objektiboan hartu eta kuantifikatu. Bestalde, bankuen gobernu korporatiboak finantza-arriskuak, hain zuzen ere, arrisku morala, murrizteko asmoarekin jokatzeaz gain, stakeholders taldekideek kreditu-erakundeen kudeaketan gehiago parte hartzea lor daiteke.

Gai guzti horiek finantza-arloaren ikuspegi etikoan barne hartzen dira eta azken hamarkadetan zientzialarien arreta gutxi jaso dute. Hala ere, zientzia-erkidegoak zein profesionalek erabat onartu dute, finantza-arloaren ikuspegi etikoa enpresa-kudeaketa operatiboan, taktikoan eta estrategikoan ikuspegi tekniko batetik barne hartzearen garrantzia.

Ikerketa-talde honek behar horri asetzea du helburu. Taldekideak ahalmen handiko ikertzaile gazteak dira eta urte asko eman dituzte eremu nazionalean zein nazioartekoan zeharkako ikerketa-lerrok jorratuz, hori bai, guztiek lotura bera dute: balioaren sormena finantza-arloaren ikuspegi etikotik.

Aurreikusitako emaitza garrantzitsuak hauek dira: Mutual Cash Holding, Ethical Cash Relationship Index, Stakeholders teoriak duen aplikagarritasun arazoari soluzioa eman eta, banku-arloan diagnostiko bat eta gobernantza-eredu bat garatu. Gainera, ereduak "paketatu" ondoren, neurrira egindako "jantzi" eran enpresetan garatu eta ezartzeko helburua dute transferentzia teknologikoaren bidez.

Ikerketa-arlo berri horrek oraindik arduraldi handia behar du…

The current situation provides an important opportunity to refocus the current business management models to innovative management models that increase the value of organizations of stakeholders as a whole. Financial relationships can be optimized, it is possible to apply the theory of stakeholders from the ontological perspective; can be objectified and quantified the social value generated by organizations; and corporate governance in banking situations can evolve towards reducing financial risks, in particular moral hazard, in addition to achieving greater participation of stakeholders in the management of financial institutions.

These aspects are included within the ethical perspective of finance have had a scientific deficit in recent decades, although it is highly accepted by both the scientific community and by professionals the importance of integrating the ethical perspective of finance to management operational, tactical and strategic companies from a technical perspective.

To respond to this need, this research group composed of young researchers with high potential, have been working both nationally and internationally in research lines cross but with a common thread: the creation of value from ethics in finance.

The main expected results are: the Mutual Holding Cash, the Cash Ethical Relationship Index, solving the problem that has applicability stakeholder theory and give a diagnosis and develop a model of governance in banking. Also by bundling models are expected to achieve technology transfer in order to establish and develop business models as a tailored suit.

This emerging field of research still needs dedication…

Ikertzaileak Research staff
  • Leire San-jose (Ikertzaile nagusia)
    Unibertsitate irakasle Titularra
    Finantza Ekonomia II Saila
    Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (UPV/EHU)

  • Sara Urionabarrenetxea

  • José Domingo García-Merino

  • Maite Ruiz-Roqueñi

  • Ana Beraza

  • Larraitz Lazkano

  • Leire San-jose (Principal investigator)
    University Lecturer
    Departament of Financial Economics II
    University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU)

  • Sara Urionabarrenetxea

  • José Domingo García-Merino

  • Maite Ruiz-Roqueñi

  • Ana Beraza

  • Larraitz Lazkano

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