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September 2024: Iñigo Bilbao's PhD dissertation



Iñigo Bilbao made his PhD thesis dissertation on 30 September 2024.

Title: Machine Learning-aided Signal Interference Cancellation for In-Band Full Duplex

Supervisors: Dr. Jon Montalbán and Dr. Eneko Iradier


The presentation took place in the Bilbao School of Engineering (UPV/EHU).

September 2024: The TSR Lab at The European Researchers' Night

The TSR Lab participated in the European Researchers' Night event on 27 September in Muelle del Arenal, Bilbao.

The event is held in more than 370 cities on the continent and is funded by the European Commission under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) -an initiative to promote scientific careers in Europe-, which is part of Horizon Europe, the European Union's Framework Programme for Research and Innovation.



The UPV/EHU organized the event in Bilbao.

Iker Sobrón, Elizabet de Armas and Teresa Echevarría showed the research that is being carried out in Positioning and Activity Detection based on WiFi signals.   

September 2024: The TSR Lab at the AMPS 2024 Conference. Caserta (Italy)

Alexander Gallarreta attended the 14th IEEE International Workshop on Applied Measurements for Power Systems (AMPS 2024). 18-20 September. Caserta (Italy).

He presented the following contribution:

  • Comparison of Measurement Methods for the Assessment of RMS Spectra in the 9-150 kHz Range

Gallarreta, A. ; González-Ramos, J. ; Vildósola, J.; Fernández, I.; Angulo, I.; de la Vega, D.; Arrinda, A.


September 2024: The TSR Lab at the SmartGridComm 2024 Conference. Oslo (Norway)

Jon González-Ramos and Javier Vildósola attended the 2024 IEEE International Conference on Communications, Control, and Computing Technologies for Smart Grids (SmartGridComm). 17-20 September. Oslo (Norway).

They presented the following contribution:

  • Influence of the Spectral Pattern of the Conducted Emissions Generated by Electric Vehicle Charging on PRIME v1.4

González-Ramos, J.; López de Samaniego, N.; Angulo, I.; Fernández, I.; Gallarreta, A.; Vildósola, J.; Arrinda, A.; de la Vega, D.

September 2024: The TSR Lab at the Advanced Technologies and Use Cases for High-performance Industrial Wireless Systems Workshop

Pablo Angueira participated in the Advanced Technologies and Use Cases for High-performance Industrial Wireless Systems Workshop.12 September 2024.

The workshop is organized by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), USA.

Dr. Angueira presented the following contribution (invited speaker):

  • Performance evaluation of industrial wireless systems


August 2024: The TSR Lab at the CIGRÉ WG C4.68 meeting. Paris (France)

Jon González-Ramos attended the CIGRÉ WG C4.68 meeting in Paris (France). 29 August 2024.


This Working Group was approved in 2021 to work in Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) issues in modern and future power systems.



August 2024: The TSR Lab at the EURAMET SBS Uncert project kick off meeting. Braunschweig (Germany)

David de la Vega and Alexander Gallarreta attended the EURAMET SBS Uncert project kick off meeting.

The event took place in  Braunschweig (Germany). 21-22 August 2024.

The SBS Uncert project (23NRM01): Support for standardisation of sample-by-sample waveform uncertainty computation, is funded by EURAMET (European Association of National Metrology Institutes) is leaded by PTB (Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt), Germany, and will run for three years (2024-2027).

July 2024: The TSR Lab at the 75 Years Anniversary Celebration of the IEEE AP-S. Florence (Italy)

Marta Fernández attended the 75 Years Anniversary Celebration of the IEEE AP-S in Florence (Italy), 17-18 July 2024, as part of their flagship conference, IEEE AP-S/URSI 2024 (14-19 July 2024).

AP-S was founded in 1949 as the third oldest IEEE society (our IEEE TA designation is AP-3), named IRE Professional Group on Antennas and Propagation.

July 2024: The TSR Lab at the EURAMET Met4EVCS project kick off meeting. Delft (The Netherlands)

David de la Vega attended the EURAMET Met4EVCS project kick off meeting.

The event took place in Delft (The Netherlands). 16-17 July.

The Met4EVCS project (23IND06): Metrology for electric vehicle charging systems is funded by EURAMET (European Association of National Metrology Institutes) is leaded by VSL National Metrology Institute and will run for three years (2024-2027).



July 2024: The TSR Lab in a measurement campaign at Itelazpi's transmitter centers

Marta Fernández and Eneko Iradier carried out some radio measurements at the Itelazpi emitting center in Olano (Álava, Basque Country) on the 11th July 2024.

Other measurements were carried out in the Itelazpi center in Valdegovia (Álava, Basque Country) on the 2nd July 2024.

July 2024: The TSR Lab at the MeditCom 2024 Conference. Madrid (Spain). 8-11 July 2024

Pablo Angueira, Iñigo Bilbao and Alejandro González attended the IEEE International Mediterranean Conference on Communications and Networking (MeditCom 2024). 8th-11th July. Madrid (Spain)

They presented the following contribution:

  • Physical Layer Security Beamforming Design via Deep Unfolding

Bilbao, I.; Nguyen, N.; Moya Osorio, Diana P.; Tapio, V.; Juntti, M.; Iradier, E.; Montalban, J.; Angueira

June 2024: Rufino Cabrera's PhD dissertation

Rufino Cabrera made his PhD thesis dissertation on 28 June 2024.

Title: Core Network-based Nodes for Next Generation Broadcasting Transmitter Facilities

Supervisors: Dr. Pablo Angueira and Dr. Jon Montalbán


The presentation took place in the Bilbao School of Engineering (UPV/EHU).

June 2024: The TSR Lab at the ICREPQ 2024 Conference

David de la Vega, Alexander Gallarreta, Uxue Txertudi and Garazi Txertudi attended the 22th International Conference on Renewable Energies and Power Quality (ICREPQ 2024). 26th-28th June. Bilbao (Spain).

The following contributions were presented:

  • On the feasibility on RM-A method for extended RMS measurements in the 9-500 kHz range

Gallarreta, A.; González-Ramos, J.; Vildósola, J.; Fernandez, I.; Angulo, I.; de la Vega, D.; Arrinda, A.

  • Empirical Characterization of Non-Intentional Emissions generated by PV Installations

Txertudi, G.; Txertudi, U.; Fernández, M.; Gallarreta, A.; González-Ramos, J.; de  la Vega, D.

  • Measurement methods to assess conducted emissions in the 9-150 kHz range generated by photovoltaic installations

    Txertudi, U.; Txertudi, G.; Gallarreta, A.; Fernández, M.; Fernández, I.; de la Vega, D.


June 2024: Alexander Gallarreta's PhD dissertation

Alexander Gallarreta made his PhD thesis dissertation on 25 June 2024.

Title: On the Measurement of Conducted Emissions in the LV Distribution Grid (2-500 kHz)

Supervisors: Dr. David de la Vega and Dr. Igor Fernández


The presentation took place in the Bilbao School of Engineering (UPV/EHU).

June 2024: The TSR Lab at the Summer Course 'Basque Country and Canada'

The TSR Lab participated in a UPV/EHU Summer Course entitled: 

'Basque Country and Canada: From the sea to the stars'

Eneko Iradier and Yiyan Wu (CRC Canada) gave a talk on 21 June at the Palacio de Miramar (San Sebastian) entitled:   

Defining the future of the digital terrestrial television

June 2024: Eneko Iradier receives the Special Doctoral Award 2024

Eneko received the Special Doctoral Award 2024 last 21st June for his thesis entitled:

Power domain NOMA in 5G Networks and Beyond


June 2024: The UPV/EHU at the IEEE BMSB 2024 Conference

Pablo Angueira, Jon Montalbán and Iñigo Bilbao attended the 19th IEEE International Symposium on Broadband Multimedia Systems and Broadcasting (IEEE BMSB 2024). 19th-21th June. Toronto (Canada)

The following contributions will be presented:

  • Improving ATSC 3.0 Channel Estimation using AI Techniques

Iradier, E.; Bilbao, I.; Montalban, J.; Angueira, P.; Park, S-Y.; Kwon, S.; Hur

  • ATSC Core Network: Encryption Analysis and Evaluation

Amezola, M.; Iradier, E.; Cabrera, R.; Landrove, O.; Montalban, J.; Angueira 

  • Federated Learning-based Unicast/Multicast Service Delivery over 6G O-RAN Framework

Carballo, C.; Fontes, E.; Montalban, J.; Iradier, E.; Angueira, P.; Murroni

  • Cancelling Adjacent Channel Interference for In-Band Full-Duplex Communications

Hong, Z.; Wu, Y.; Li, W.; Zhang, L.; Ahn, S.; Park, S-Y.; Hur, N.; Iradier, E.; Montalban, J.; Angueira

  • In-Band Full-Duplex Communications with MIMO in ATSC 3.0

Hong, Z.; Li, W.; Zhang, L.; Wu, Y.; Park, S-Y.; Ahn, S.; Hur, N.; Iradier, E.; Montalban, J.; Angueira

June 2024: Erick Jiménez receives the Itelazpi Award 23/24

Erick Jiménez received the Itelazpi Award for the best Master thesis in Telecommunications 23/24.

Erick's Master thesis is entitled: Media Delivery Harmonization over Digital Terrestrial Television (DTT) and 5G Networks.

The event took place last 17th June in the Bilbao School of Engineering (UPV/EHU).


June 2024: The UPV/EHU at the Western University (Canada)

Jon Montalbán and Iñigo Bilbao paid a visit to the Western University  (London, Canada) on 16 June.
They gave a presentation entitled:

  • Future Wireless Solutions for Critical Communications in the Industry


June 2024: The UPV/EHU at the IEEE ICC 2024 Conference

Erick Jiménez attended the IEEE International Conference on Communications (IEEE ICC 2024) held in Denver (Colorado. USA) from 9th to 13th June 2024.

The following contribution was presented:

  • Broadcast Core Network (BCN): Paving the Future Path of DTT

Carballo C.; Fontes E.; Iradier, E.; Angueira,  P.; Murroni, M.; Montalbán, J.

June 2024: The UPV/EHU at CENELEC TC219/WG11 Meeting

David de la Vega attended the last CENELEC TC219/WG11  Meeting (Comité Européen de Normalisation Electrotechnique/European Committee of Electrotechnical Standardisation, Technical Committeee 219, Working Group 11) held in Agrate (Italy) on 6th-7th June 2024.

June 2024: The UPV/EHU at the PASSIONATE project kick off meeting

Eneko Iradier and Iñigo Bilbao attended the PASSIONATE project kick off meeting held in Antwerp (Belgium) on 3rd June 2024.

More information on PASSIONATE project here.

May 2024: The UPV/EHU at the AT-RASC 2024 Conference

Marta Fernández attended the 4th URSI Atlantic Radio Science Meeting (AT-RASC 2024) held in Gran Canaria (Spain) from 19th to 24th May 2024.

The following contribution was presented:

  • Antennas Based on Helipad-Shaped Metamaterials for Applications at 5.8 GHz

Hossen Md Masum, Fernandez Marta, Arrinda Amaia

May 2024: The UPV/EHU at the ICPS 2024 Conference

Pablo Angueira attended the 7th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems (ICPS 2024) held in St. Louis (Missouri, USA) from 12th to 15th May 2024.

The following contribution was presented:

  • Wireless Safe Data Transmission Protocol Links for Railway Applications

Sanz, P.; Montalban, J.; Arriola, A.; Angueira, P.

April 2024: The UPV/EHU at the WFCS 2024 Conference

Pablo Angueira and Endika Llaguno attended the 20th IEEE International Conference on Factory Communication Systems (WFCS 2024) from 17th to 19th April 2024 in Toulouse (France). 

The following contributions were presented:

  • Safety Communication Layer Methodology Assessment of COFDM Over a Selective Rayleigh Fading Channel

Sanz, P.; Seijo, O.; Angueira, P.; Montalban, J.; Val, I.

  • Physical Layer Performance of DECT-2020 New Radio for Factory Automation

Llaguno, E.; Pretel, I.; Angueira, P.; Montalban, J. 



April 2024: The UPV/EHU in a measurement campaign in Sweden

David de la Vega, Mikel Martínez and Jon González Ramos participated in a measurement campaign carried out for the Luleå University of Technology (Sweden) from 16th to 26th April 2024. 

Impedance, attenuation and emission measurements were carried out in a laboratory environment and on Skelleftea Kraft's low-voltage distribution network.


March 2024: The UPV/EHU at the EuCAP 2024 Conference

Pablo Angueira and Dreyelian Morejón attended the 18th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP 2024) from 17th to 22nd March 2024 in Glasgow (UK).

The following contribution was presented:

  • Empirical Characterization of Doppler in Industrial Wireless Channels

Morejon, D.; Montalban, J.; Iradier, E.; Kashef, M.; Candell, R.; Angueira, P.


January 2024: The UPV/EHU at the INTERACT 7th MC and 7th Technical Meeting

Eneko Iradier, Iker Sobrón, Iñigo Bilbao and Guillermo Díaz attended the INTERACT 7th MC and 7th Technical Meeting in Lisbon (Portugal) from 22nd to 25th January 2024.

The following contributions were presented:

  • Physical Layer Security Beamforming Design Via Deep Unfolding
  • Cross-Domain CSI-Based Sensing for Human Activity Recognition Through Fine-Tuning
  • Non-Coherent mMIMO detection for Ricean channels: A learning approach

November 2023: The UPV/EHU at IEEE Broadcast Symposium

Marta Fernández attended the 2023 IEEE Broadcast Symposium in Washington DC (USA) from 14th to 15th November 2023.

The event took place in the National Association of Broadcasters (NAB) headquarters in Washington D.C.

November 2023: The UPV/EHU at Horizons 2023

Erick Jiménez attended the Horizons 2023 event in Geneva (Switzerland) from 14th to 15th November 2023.

The event was organized by the European Broadcast Union (EBU) and took place in EBU headquarters in Geneva.

October 2023: VI Congreso de estudiantes de la UPV/EHU

Néstor López de Samaniego attended the VI Congreso de estudiantes de la UPV/EHU Conference on 26th October 2023.

The following contribution was presented:

  • Estudio de la calidad de las comunicaciones PRIME V1.4 ante las emisiones generadas por procesos de carga de vehículos eléctricos


September 2023: The UPV/EHU at WSPLC 2023 Conference

Jon González and Javier Vildósola attended the 14th Workshop for Powerline Communications (WSPLC Mannheim) in Mannheim (Germany) from 27th to 28th September 2023.

The following contributions were presented:

  • Characterization of the Low Voltage Grid Access Impedance from 1.5 MHz to 10 MHz
  • Evaluation of PRIME v1.4 in a Reconstructed Low Voltage Grid

September 2023: The UPV/EHU at EMC Europe 2023 Conference

Alexander Gallarreta and David de la Vega attended the 2023 International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC Europe 2023) in Krakov (Poland) from 4th to 8th September 2023.

The following contribution was presented:

  • Comprehensive Evaluation of Novel Light-QP and Statistical-QP Methods for Supraharmonic Disturbances from EV Chargers

September 2023: The UPV/EHU at SEST 2023 Conference

Jon González attended the 6th International Confererence on Smart Energy Systems and Technologies (SEST 2023) in Mugla (Turkey) from 4th to 6th September 2023.

The following contributions were presented:

  • Influence of Electric Vehicle Charging on the Grid Access Impedance from 20 kHz to 500 kHz
  • On the Feasibility of the Light-QP Method for the Assessment of V2G Supraharmonic Disturbances

August 2023: The UPV/EHU at the First CIGRÉ WG C4.68 meeting

Jon González attended the 1st CIGRÉ WG C4.68 meeting in Glasgow (UK) on 30th August 2023.

July 2023: The UPV/EHU at Global DTT Workshop

Jon Montalbán attended the Global Digital Terrestrial Transmission Workshop in Busan (South Korea) from 19th to 21st July 2023.


The following contribution was presented (invited conference):

  • ITcN & BCnode

Wu, Y.; Montalbán, J.


June 2023: The UPV/EHU at IEEE BMSB 2023 Conference

Pablo Angueira, Jon Montalbán, Eneko Iradier, Iñigo Bilbao, Rufino Cabrera, Orlando Landrove and Marta Fernández attended the International Symposium on Broadband Multimedia Systems and Broadcasting (IEEE BMSB 2023) in Beijing (China) from 14th to 16th June 2023.


The following contributions were presented:

  • Future Terrestrial Broadcast Networks
  • Measurements and analysis of 5G mobile communications signals in outdoor environments
  • Remote Management Controller for a DTT ATSC 3.0 Station
  • Improving ITCN Channel Estimation using AI-based Techniques
  • Context-Aware Adaptive Prefetching for DASH Streaming over 5G Networks
  • Multi-Layer Monitoring at the Edge for Vehicular Video Streaming: Field Trials
  • ATSC 3.0 ITCN Prototype with Remote Studio
  • In-Band Full-Duplex Communications with MIMO in ATSC 3.0
  • 5G Link-Level Simulator for Multicast/Broadcast Services
  • Hybrid Terrestrial-Airborne Connectivity for Unicast/Broadcast Services Beyond 5G

June 2023: The UPV/EHU at CIRED 2023 Conference

Amaia Arrinda, David de la Vega and Alexander Gallarreta attended the International Conference & Exhibition on Electricity Distribution (CIRED 2023) in Rome (Italy) from 12th to 15th June 2023.

The following contributions were presented:

  • Evaluation of the Light-QP Measurement Method for Extended Measurements
  • Impedance Characteristics at Socket Outlets in Residential and Commercial Buildings in the Frequency Range 2-150 kHz

May 2023: The UPV/EHU at ICREPQ'23 Conference

Ibon Vicente attended the 21th International Conference on Renewable Energy and Power Quality (ICREPQ’23) in Madrid (Spain) from 24th to 26th May 2023.

The following contribution was presented:

  • Experimental set-up to study power quality in single-phase splitphase distribution systems

May 2023: The UPV/EHU at INTERACT 5th MC and 5th Technical Meeting

Eneko Iradier attended the INTERACT 5th MC and 5th Technical Meeting (COST Action CA20120, “Intelligence-Enabling Radio Communications for Seamless Inclusive Interactions”) in Castelldefels (Spain) from 23rd to 25th May 2023.

The following contribution was presented:

  • AI-based Self-Interference Cancellation for In-Band Full-Duplex Systems


April 2023. The UPV/EHU at IEEE WFCS 2023 conference

Dreyelian Morejón attended the 19th IEEE International Conference on Factory Communication Systems (WFCS 2023) in Pavia (Italy) from 26th to 28th April 2023.
The following contribution was presented:

  • Empirical Delay and Doppler Profiles for Industrial Wireless Channel Models

April 2023: The UPV/EHU at NAB 2023

TSR Lab members with Madeleine Noland (President of ATSC)

The TSR Lab is presenting a key technology for future audiovisual content broadcasting networks at the NABSHOW (National Association of Broadcasters Show) in Las Vegas (USA). NABSHOW, now in its 100th year, is the world's largest trade show for the creation and broadcasting of audiovisual content, with 65,000 people expected to attend in 2023.

The architecture of today's digital terrestrial television networks is the legacy of a very efficient transmission system in terms of resources and coverage. While digital terrestrial television standards have evolved significantly over the last 20 years, the network architecture has undergone few changes since the end of the 20th century. This legacy presents severe limitations for the transition to a new generation of multimedia services and their integration into new areas of connectivity. To tackle these problems, the UPV/EHU is participating in the American Television Standards Committee (ATSC) standardisation forum in the redesign of these networks.

The demonstrator presented at NABSHOW is a prototype interactive network consisting of a central remote unit, Broadcast Core Network, which controls and configures the essential modules (video, audio and data processing servers) of a TV broadcast studio and two ATSC 3.0 transmitters. The system includes two-way communication between transmitters, which represents a major departure from the state of the art.

The event took place 15th-18th April 2023 in Las Vegas (Nevada, USA)

March 2023: The UPV/EHU at IEEE ISPLC 2023 Conference

Jon González attended the IEEE International Symposium on Power Line Communications and its Applications (ISPLC 2023)

The event took place on 21st-23rd March 2023 in Manchester (UK)


The following contributions were presented:

  • Characterization of the LV distribution grid for the deployment of a pilot BB PLC network

González-Ramos, J.; Angulo, I; Arrinda, A.; Fernández, I.; Gallarreta, A.; de la Vega, D.; Sendin, A.; Berganza, I.; Ayala, R.; Gómez, J.S.

As Recent Results

  • Measurement System of the Mean and Sub-cycle LV Grid Access Impedance from 20 kHz to 10 MHz. 

Fernández, I.; Gallarreta, A.; González-Ramos, J.; Wright, P.; de la Vega, D.; Angulo, I.; Arrinda, A.

November 2022: The UPV/EHU at ICSC-CITIES 2022 Conference

Jon González attended the ICSC-CITIES 2022: V Ibero-American Congress of Smart Cities in Cuenca (Ecuador) from 28th to 30th November 2022.

The following contribution was presented:

  • BB-PLC over LV networks - a step forward towards Smart Grid implementation

September 2022: The UPV/EHU at AMPS 2022 conference

David de la Vega and Alexander Gallarreta attended the 12th IEEE International Workshop on Applied Measurements for Power Systems (AMPS 2022) in Cagliari (Italy) from 28th to 30th September 2022.

The following contributions were presented:

  • Adaptation of the IEC 61000-4-7 Measurement Method to CISPR Band A (9-150 kHz)
  • Comparison of laboratory and grid measurements of 9 kHz to 150 kHz appliance emissions

September 2022: The UPV/EHU at ITU-R WP6B Meeting

Iñigo Bilbao and Rufino Cabrera attended the ITU-R Working Party P6B (WP6B) - Broadcast service assembly and access meeting.

The meeting was held on 26th-29th September 2022 at ITU general headquarters in Geneva (Switzerland).


June 2022: The UPV/EHU presents the results of the Itelazpi measurement campaign at the BMSB 2022 conference

The TSR Lab organized the IEEE International Symposium on Broadband Multimedia Systems and Broadcasting 2022 (IEEE BMSB 2022) conference in Bilbao.

The event took place on 15th-17th June 2022.

The results from the measurement campaign carried out at the Itelazpi's transmitting center in Sodupe in April 2022 were presented at the conference in the following oral presentation:

  • Signal Isolation in Full-Duplex Inter-Tower Communications Networks: Field Trials

June 2022: The UPV/EHU at CIRED Porto Workshop 2022

David de la Vega, Jon González, and Alexander Gallarreta attended the CIRED Porto Workshop 2022 E-Mobility and power distribution systems in Porto (Portugal) from 2nd to 3rd June 2022.

The following contributions were presented:

  • Empirical Characterization of the Conducted Emissions Generated by Electric Vehicles during the Charging Process
  • Time characterization of fast variation disturbances generated by EV chargers

May 2022: The UPV/EHU at CHIST-ERA Conference 2022 (Edinburgh,UK)

Eneko Iradier and Iñigo Bilbao attended the CHIST-ERA Conference 2022 in Edinburgh (UK) from 24th to 26th May 2022.

The following contributions were presented:

  • AI-based Signal Processing for Full-Duplex in 6G: the Alternative for Maximizing Spectrum Efficiency
  • Non-intrusive AI-enabled wireless monitoring of human activity

January-February 2022: The UPV/EHU in a measurement campaign in the electricity grid. Fontainebleau (France)

David de la Vega, Alexander Gallarreta, Jon González, and Mikel Martínez participated in a measurement campaign on the electricity grid in France.

The measurements, part of the SupraEMI project, took place at the EDF (Electricité de France) facilities in Fontainebleau (France), on 31st January-5th February.

July 2021: The UPV/EHU at the meeting of the Consumer Energy and Mobility Services Sector Forum of the Basque Energy Cluster

David de la Vega attended the last meeting of the Consumer Energy and Mobility Services Sector Forum of the Basque Energy Cluster.

The event took place on 8th July 2021 at the Bilbao Exhibition Center (BEC) and was coordinated by EDINOR (Petronor Group).

April 2021: The UPV/EHU in a measurement campaign on the electricity grid

The TSR lab performed a measurement campaign on the Iberdrola electrical grid during the week 26th-30th April 2021.

Noise, impedance, and attenuation in the grid have been measured in several locations in the Basque Country these days.

This campaign is part of the BB-Grid project (KK-2020/00095), funded by the Basque Government.

May 2021: The UPV/EHU at the meeting of the Smart Grids Sector Forum of the Basque Energy Cluster

David de la Vega attended the last meeting of the Smart Grids Sector Forum of the Basque Energy Cluster.

The event took place on 25th May 2021 at the Bilbao Exhibition Center (BEC) and was coordinated by i-DE (Iberdrola Group).

May 2021: The UPV/EHU at the II Workshop FutuRed

David de la Vega attended the II Workshop FutuRed.

The event took place virtually on 24th May 2021.

The workshop was organized by FutuRed (Plataforma Española de Redes Eléctricas, Spanish Electricity Grids Platform).

May 2021: The UPV/EHU at the I Workshop FutuRed

David de la Vega attended the I Workshop FutuRed.

The event took place virtually on 17th May 2021.

The workshop was organized by FutuRed (Plataforma Española de Redes Eléctricas, Spanish Electricity Grids Platform).

April 2021: The UPV/EHU at the Global 8K-UHDTV Workshop

The TSR Lab attended the Global 8K-UHDTV Workshop.

The event was organized by ETRI (Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute, Korea)

The event took place virtually on 28th and 29th April 2021.

The following contribution (an invited conference) was presented:

  • Activities Towards Future Broadcasting in Europe

April 2021: The UPV/EHU at the ITU Workshop on the future of Television for Asia and Pacific

Jon Montalbán attended the ITU Workshop on the future of Television for Asia and Pacific.

The event took place virtually on 23rd April 2021.

The following contribution (an invited conference) was presented:

  • IP-based broadcast core-network: converging broadcasters with the connected world

April 2021: The UPV/EHU at the kick off meeting of the GSGIH STC

The TSR Lab attended the kick off meeting of the Global Smart Grids Innovation Hub, Telecommunications Technical Subcommittee (GSGIHub STC).

The event took place virtually on 20th april 2021

April 2021: The UPV/EHU at the CENELEC SC 205A WG11 meeting

David de la Vega attended the Cenelec (European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization) SC 205A WG11 meeting.

The event took place virtually on 19th april 2021.

March 2021: The UPV/EHU at the EBU Broadthinking 2021 event

The TSR Lab attended the Broadthinking 2021 event, Where Broadcast meets Broadband, organized by EBU (European Broadcast Union).

The event took place virtually on 23rd-24th march 2021.

March-April 2021: The UPV/EHU in a 5G measurement campaign in Bilbao

The TSR Lab performed a 5G measurement campaign in Bilbao, from 4th March to 7th April 2021.

At this stage of the deployment of 5G networks, the measurement campaign has been carried out at different sites, in different types of environments, in the metropolitan area of Bilbao.

In this first campaign, the values of electromagnetic exposure due to 5G networks are analysed practically in the absence of traffic.  

February 2021: The UPV/EHU at the 12th meeting of CENELEC SC 205A WG11

February 2021: The UPV/EHU at the IEEE BTS Pulse 2021 event

The TSR Lab attended the 1st IEEE BTS Pulse 2021 event.

The event took place virtually on 9th-11th february 2021.

January 2021: The UPV/EHU at the IEC SC77A WG9

The TSR Lab attended the IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) SC77A (EMC - Low Frequency Phenomena) WG9 (EMC - Low Frequency Phenomena) meeting.

The event took place virtually on 28th January 2021.

January 2021: The UPV/EHU at the 11th meeting of CENELEC SC 205A WG11

The TSR Lab attended the CENELEC (European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization) 11th meeting of SC 205A WG11.

The event took place virtually on 20th-21st January 2021.

November 2020: The UPV/EHU at the SupraEMI webinar workshop

David de la Vega attended the SupraEMI webinar workshop: Measurement methods for the frequency range 2-150 kHz (Supraharmonics).

The event took place on 11th November 2020.

The following contribution was presented:

  • Characterisation of different types of emission in the range 2-150 kHz

November 2020: The UPV/EHU at the ICSC-CITIES 2020 conference

The TSR Lab attended the III Ibero-American Congress on Smart Cities (ICSC-CITIES 2020).

The event took place on 9th - 11th November 2020 in San José (Costa Rica).

The following contribution was presented:

  • New opportunities of Broadband Power Line Communications for the improvement of the Smart Grids


November 2020: The UPV/EHU at Zientzia Astea 2020

The TSR lab has participated in Zientzia Astea (Science, Technology and Innovation Week) for many years.

Since 2001, the Science, Technology and Innovation Week has been one of the biggest science-related social communication events in both the Basque Country and Europe. (Zientzia Astea in the Basque Country, organized by the University of the Basque Country).

The goal of this major science dissemination initiative is to show society and the general public the scientific and technological skills of the Basque Country.

Zientzia Astea 2020 took place on 6th -8th November 2020 in Bilbao.

October 2020: The UPV/EHU at the IEEE BMSB 2020 conference

The TSR lab attended the IEEE International Symposium on Broadband Multimedia Systems and Broadcasting 2020 (BMSB 2020).

The event took place on 27th - 29th October 2020 in Paris (France).

The following contributions were presented:

  • Broadcast/Unicast Convergence in NOMA-based 5G: a Resource Allocation Optimization Algorithm
  • Design and Performance Analysis of an ATSC 3.0 Model in NS-3
  • Multiple Layer P-NOMA in 5G
  • PHY Layer Performance of N-LDM for Broadcast and IoT Use Cases
  • Performance Impact of Background Traffic on Broadcast-like Services in Converged 5G Network Environments
  • Realising a vRAN based FeMBMS Management and Orchestration Framework
  • Adaptive Rate Control for Live streaming using SRT protocol
  • Path Loss Measurements of User Equipment to Access Point Communications at 60 GHz

October 2020: The UPV/EHU at the IEEE Sensors 2020 conference

The TSR lab attended the IEEE Sensors 2020 conference.

The event took place on 25th - 28th October 2020 in Rotterdam (The Netherlands).

The following contribution was presented:

  • Adaptive TOA Estimation with Imperfect LOS and NLOS Knowledge in UWB Positioning Systems

October 2020: The UPV/EHU at the IEEE EExPolytech-2020 conference

The TSR lab attended the 2020 IEEE International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Photonics (IEEE EExPolytech-2020).

The event took place on 15th - 16th October 2020 in Saint Petersburg (Russia).

The following contributions were presented:

  • Keynote II: Wireless for Industrial Applications: Requirements, Current Status and Future Perspectives
  • Impact of Injection Level on LDM Satellite Communication Systems over Non-Linear Channels
  • Complexity Reduction Techniques for NOMA-based RRM Algorithms in 5G Networks

September 2020: The UPV/EHU at the IEEE ETFA 2020 conference

The TSR lab attended the 2020 IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies for Factory Automation conference (ETFA 2020).

The event took place on 8th - 11th September 2020 in Vienna (Austria).

The following contribution was presented:

  • PEG-LDPC Coding for Critical Communications in Factory Automation


November 2019: The UPV/EHU at Zientzia Astea 2019

The TSR group has participated in Zientzia Astea (Science, Technology and Innovation Week) for many years.

Since 2001, the Science, Technology and Innovation Week has been one of the biggest science-related social communication events in both the Basque Country and Europe. (Zientzia Astea in the Basque Country, organized by the University of the Basque Country).

The goal of this major science dissemination initiative is to show society and the general public the scientific and technological skills of the Basque Country.

Zientzia Astea 2019 took place on 6th -10th November 2019 in Bilbao.

October 2019: The UPV/EHU at the ICSC-Cities 2019 conference

The TSR group attended the II Congreso Iberoamericano de Ciudades Inteligentes (ICSC-CITIES 2019) conference.

The event took place on 7th - 9th October 2019 in Soria (Spain).

The following contribution was presented:

  • Communications for the Smart City - An updated review of technologies and future trends within the framework of IoT

October 2019: The UPV/EHU at the 2019 IEEE Broadcast Symposium

The TSR group attended the 2019 IEEE Broadcast Symposium conference.

The event took place on 1st - 3rd October 2019 in Hartford (Connecticut, USA).

The following contribution were presented:

  • Backward Compatible Wireless In-Band Distribution Link in ATSC 3.0 Using LDM for Terrestrial TV and Datacasting
  • Group-Oriented Broadcasting of Augmented Reality Services over 5G New Radio

September 2019: The UPV/EHU at the ICEAA 2019 Conference

David Guerra attended the 2019 International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications (ICEAA 2019).

The event took place on 9th - 13th September 2019 in Granada (Spain).

The following contribution was presented:

  • Time Variability of Electromagnetic Exposure Due to Wi Fi Networks

September 2019: The UPV/EHU at the 2019 IEEE PIMRC Conference

The TSR Lab attended the 2019 IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC 2019).

The event took place on 8th - 11th September 2019 in Istanbul (Turkey).

The following contribution was presented:

  • Enhanced TOA Estimation Through Tap Candidate Extraction for Positioning in Multipath Channels

September 2019: The UPV/EHU at URSI 2019 Conference

The TSR group attended the XXXIV Simposium Nacional de la Unión Científica Internacional de Radio (URSI 2019) conference.

The event took place on 4th - 6th September 2019 in Sevilla (Spain).

The following contributions were presented:

  • Aplicabilidad de la transformada Wavelet al análisis de las descargas parciales para la prognosis en componentes eléctricos
  • Method to delimit near-field effects of wind turbines on terrestrial radio links