15th EAEC European Automotive Congress 2017

Next week, Javier Corral will attend the 15th EAEC European Automotive Congress 2017 organized by the Sociedad de Técnicos de Automoción (STA), member of FISITA. The biennial EAEC Congress will be held from 3rd to 5th of October at the Carlos III University of Madrid (Leganés Campus) in Spain. There, Javier Corral will present the following two works:

  • Fuzzy Traction Control System for Electric Vehicles
    Authors: A. Parra , A. Zubizarreta , M. Diez , J. Corral , C. Pinto
  • Simulation tool for the optimization of formula type prototypes
    I. Erauskin, A. López, Dr. A. Zubizarreta, Dr. M. Diez, Prof. Dr. C. Pinto, Dr. J. Corral

Erasmus+ in Odessa (Ukraine)

Last week, from 18th to 22nd september 2017, Mónica Urízar and Saioa Herrero presented our work at the ONPU (Odessa National Polytechnic University)  in Ukraine. During their stay, they introduced both the Faculty of Engineering and COMPMECH Research Group to all the professors and students attending the sessions.

Besides, Mónica Urízar offered a theoretical and practical lesson about GIM Software. This was a very interesting opportunity for assistants to learn how to use the program and see all the possibilities it offers to be used in their classes and research. Finally, Saioa Herrero presented the work developed in her PhD Thesis about parallel manipulators. This was also an attractive presentation for the students, since some of them are starting their PhD in related topics. In all the sessions students and professors showed their interest on the topics and participated in a very active way. Thank you to all of them!


This stay is funded by the Organization of Erasmus+ for teaching abroad.