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Epigenetic markers: A potential diagnostic and prognostic biomarker of HCV induced liver fibrosis

Prof. Dr. Mona Zoheiry

Immunology and Drug Evaluation Department
Theodor Bilharz Research Institute (TBRI), EGYPT

  • Día: Jueves 15 de Diciembre
  • Hora: 12:00 horas
  • Lugar: Sala de Juntas de la Facultad de Medicina y Enfermería, Leioa

Short CV of Prof. Dr. Mona Zoheiry

Mona Zoheiry is a professor of Immunology, at Immunology and Drug Evaluation Department, Theodor Bilharz Research Institute (TBRI) since 2009. She graduated from Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University, and December 1981. She received her M.D. in Clinical and Chemical Pathology, in May 1997.

She is a member in the European Association of Liver Diseases (EASL). Her field of interest is MicroRNAs and the epigenetic changes as non-invasive diagnostic and therapeutic tools in HCV-induced liver fibrosis. She has shared and worked as a participant, Co-PI and PI in 10 research projects sponsored by international and national agencies, published 36 research articles in peer reviewed international journals, presented several abstracts in 11 International conferences and supervised 12 M.Sc. and PhD thesis.

She got a Grant from DFG in the Department of experimental Pathology of Professional Associations, Research Institute for Occupational Medicine at Ruhr University, Bochum-Germany (8/11/1991-7/2/1992) tor training in determination of connective tissue metabolites (hyaluronic acid, procollagen, and laminin in serum and urine of schistosomal patients). She has been nominated for Leading Educators of the world in 2013 and for Who's Who in the world in 2012.

List of most relevant recent publications

  1. Zoheiry M, El-Ahwany EG (2015). Role of Epithelial Mesenchymal Transition in Hepatic Fibrogenesis. J Egypt Soc Parasitol., 45(2): 357-65.
  2. Zoheiry M, Hasan SA, El-Ahwany E, Nagy FM, Taleb HA, Nosseir M, Magdy M, Meshaal S, El-Talkawy MD, Raafat I (2015). Serum Markers of Epithelial Mesenchymal Transition as Predictors of HCV-induced Liver Fibrosis, cirrhosis and Hepatocellular Carcinoma. Electron Physician, 7(8):1626-37.
  3. El-Ahwany E, Nagy F, Zoheiry M, Shemis M, Nosseir M, Taleb HA, El Ghannam M, Atta R, Zada S (2016). Circulating miRNAs as predictor markers for activation of hepatic stellate cells and progression of HCV-induced liver fibrosis. Electron Physician, 8(1):1804-10.
  4. El-Ahwany E, Nagy F, Zoheiry M, ELGhannam M, Shemis M, Aboul-Ezz M, Zada S (2016). The Role of MicroRNAs in Response to Interferon Treatment of Chronic Hepatitis C patients. Electron Physician, 8(2): 1994-2000.
  5. Mansy SS, Nosseir MM, Othman MM, Zoheiry M, Guda MF, Yehia HA, Hassanein MH (2016). Spotlight on the three main hepatic fibrogenic cells in HCV-infected patients: Multiple immunofluorescence and ultrastructure study. Ultrastruct Pathol., 40(5): 276-87.