Asier Martinez

Asier Martinez Salaberria


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Asier Martínez Salaberria coursed his Technical Engineering in Industrial, specialising in Industrial Mechanics studies (2010) in the polytechinc school of Donostia at the University of the Basque Country (UPV-EHU). He realized the final project "Fuerzas de corte en torno paralelo convencional" under the supervision of David Esteban. Later he coursed in the same faculty a Master in Renewable Materials Engineering (2012), where he realized the Master project "Obtención de quitina y nanocristales dequitinaa partir del exoesqueleto de Cáncer Pagurus" directed by Prof. Susana C. M. Fernandes.


Since 2012, he has worked in the Bio-Refinery Proccess Research Group (BIORP) ) in the Faculty of Engineering, Gipuzkoa (Donostia – San Sebastian) at the University of the Basque Country (UPV-EHU), where he performed his PhD work focused on nanocomposites materials based on chitin nanocrystals and matrixes from renewable sources, directed by Prof. Jalel Labidi and Prof. Susana C. M. Fernandes.

Within his professional activity, Dr. Salaberria is involved in the participation of different projects both nationally and financed by the European Union, leading to collaborations with different national and international universities (Luleå University of Technology - Lulea, Sweden; IPEST - Carthage, Tunisia, Aksaray University - Aksaray, Turkey, Vytautas Magnus University - Kaunas, Lithuania, among others). Currently, Dr. Salaberria continues with his work in the development of chitosan based materials, while he is immersed in the participation of a collagen extraction project, thus expanding his field of research