David Lasagabaster Herrarte
- Knowledge area
- English Philology
- Department
- English, German and Translation and Interpretation Studies
- Centre
- Faculty of Arts
- Electronic mail
- david.lasagabaster@ehu.eus
Professor of Applied Linguistics at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU). He has been a visiting scholar at several universities, such as the Centre for Immersion and Multilingualism (University of Vaasa, Finland), the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (University of Toronto, Canada), the University of Nevada, Reno (USA), the School of Languages and Linguistics (the University of Melbourne, Australia), Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), Graduate Center, the Central University of New York (USA), and University of Oxford (UK). He has published on foreign language learning, second/third language acquisition, EMI (English-Medium Instruction) CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning), attitudes and motivation, and multilingualism. He has published widely in international journals, books and edited books. He lectures on multilingualism, language attitudes and motivation at the MA programme Language Acquisition in Multilingual Settings (http://www.lams.ehu.es) with access to doctoral studies (PhD), in which he supervises master's and PhD theses. He is the director of the Language Acquisition in Multilingual Settings PhD programme, a doctoral programme accredited by the Spanish Ministry of Education (Distinction of Excellence).
Personal website: http://www.laslab.org/david/