The doctorate represents a fundamental objective of our academic activity, and it ultimately justifies our presence in universities in Latin America. Through this doctorate, the objective of quality academic training, which is what we aim to achieve in our work, is materialised. Through this doctorate, we ideally strive to find a focused training objective in university teaching staff as a fundamental step towards improving the quality of university teaching in the host universities. The universities’ interest in continuing the master’s degree training through doctoral research among their teaching staff is an essential reason for justifying the choice of a university with which to collaborate.
Except for “Psychodidactics: Psychology of Education and Specific Didactics” and “Rehabilitation, Restoration and Integral Management of the Built Heritage and Existing Constructions”, which would have their own doctoral programme, the rest of the master's degrees combine all the doctoral activities in one single programme: “Rethinking Globalisation: challenges and interdisciplinary solutions”. A unification of activities into one management unit that, apart from facilitating the administrative tasks, also enables us to adapt our operations to meet the needs and specific nature of our Latin American students.
The programme has one body that is in charge of coordinating all its activities and that acts as a sole interlocutor both with our university and with the universities with which we have agreements in this area. Furthermore, the presence of the people responsible for the master’s degree programmes on the Doctorate's Academic Commission ensures that said commission will have access to any problem that may arise in the different programmes, as well as being able to apply the most efficient and fairest solution in each case. This approach is yielding very good results, if we take into account that over 160 doctoral theses have been defended since it began.
Ficha de Grado
Part-time studies
Duration: 7 - 8 years
Places available: 35
Approximate fees: 219 €/academic year
Ficha de Grado
Full-time studies
Duration: 4 - 5 years
Places available: 15
Approximate fees: 301 €/academic year
Academic queries: javi.bilbao@ehu.eus
Administrative queries: globalizacion.doke@ehu.eus
Suggestions and requestsResearch teams and research topics
Research teams | Research topics |
Democratic Society, State and Law |
Philosophy and Globalization |
Public interventions in the globalized economy |
Sociolinguistics, Multilingualism, Language Acquisition, Language Teaching, Linguistic Variation and Language Contact |
Sociology of law |