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Teaching staff


Knowledge area
Science of Computation and Artificial Intelligence
Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence
Faculty of Informatics
Electronic mail

Ana Zelaia Jauregi obtained the degree in Informatics at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) in 1992. She presented her PhD Thesis under the supervision of Olatz Arregi Uriarte and Basilio Sierra Araujo. Title: Latent Semantic Indexing eta Ikasketa Automatikoa Hizkuntzaren Prozesamenduaren Arloan: Testu-Sailkatzea, Hitzen Adiera-Desanbiguatzea eta Korreferentzia-Ebaztea SVD Bidezko Dimentsio-Murrizketa eta Multi-Sailkatzailea Konbinatuz. Area: Computational Linguistics.

Since 1995 she is a lecturer in the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Department at the University of the Basque Country and she is currently the academic secretary of the Department. She has been teaching several subjects about mathematics for computing, optimization techniques and machine learning: Discrete Mathematics, Operations Research, Data Mining, etc. She also participates in projects to generate new material for teaching (OpenCourseWare), scientific terminology for Basque (TSE), the diffusion of science in Basque and visualizing women in STEM fields (EHU-Wikipedia, GAUR8 teknologia, Emakumeak Zientzian). ORCID: 0000-0003-3147-8130